




1.我能感觉到你 ... go by i can see,( 我能看到你走过) i can feel you我能感觉到你) the fire still burns( 我的心依然在燃烧) ...

2.我能深深感受到你的存在 ... Can't touch me if you don't try 如果你未尝试过,就无法了解我 I can feel you 我能深深感受到你的存在 ...

3.我可以感受到你 ... Rain made my day 雨水替我铺了路 I can feel you 我可以感受到你 I can see you 我可以看见你 ...

4.感觉得到 ... i can see, 我看得见你 i can feel you 感觉得到, when the moon falls in your eyes 当月亮从你眼中消失 ...

5.小时候 Love and Peace 东海风-愿赌服输 I can feel you 小时候 Ginny 小时候 ...


1.I can feel you are a good girl, but just pke a windflower to me, I am afraid to near to you to make you disappear in the wind.我能感觉到你是个好女孩,但是对于我来说你就像一个水中之花一样要不可及!我害怕自己接近你时,你会消失在水中!

2.I can feel you looking at me with pity, thinking, "Oh my God, what century does this guy come from? "我可以感觉到你用怜悯的眼光看着我,然后想,“天呐,这个人来自哪个世纪?”

3.Honey, I'd pke to tell you that I wish you are a tooth of mine, so I can feel you anytime and think of you when it hurts.宝贝,多想告诉你,我希望你是我的一颗牙,那样我就能时刻感觉到你,那样每次牙疼的时候我都会想起你!

4.as i look up to the sky today, i can feel you looking down on me.这样,当我抬起头时,我就能够感受到你的目光。

5.Give me a pain as please as you sad, so I can feel you all the day and night.我要是有新的手绘发出来,你也要给我加精华!

6.When the fish say I did not weep over, the water says I can feel you Be shed tears, because of you in my in the mind!当鱼儿说我没有哭泣,水说我能够感觉到你在流泪,因为你就在我心里!

7.The day windless sorrows perfumed the air Close eyes I can feel you by my side Offer my hand nothing I can hold .没有风的日子空气里弥漫的是忧伤闭上眼睛感觉你就在身边伸出手去却什么都抓不住。

8.Although I don't know much about you, I can feel you are a very nice and kind person.尽管我对你了解不多,我还是能够感觉到你是个非常好的人。

9.I can feel you're getting it now. A bad one tells us nothing.我觉得你有点明白了,不好的论点什么都没说。

10.I can feel you are in good mood these couple days! Did you win the lottery? If so, can i share of the cake?我觉得这几天你的心情好像特别好!不是中了六和彩了吧?要是的话,让我也跟你沾点儿光?