




1.森林里 76.In a river . 在河里。 78.In a forest . 森林里。 81.In a hole . 洞里。 ...

2.在森林里 In a river. 在河里。 In a forest. 在森林里。 In a tree. 在树上 ...

3.住在森林里 3. In a river.( 住在小河里。) 5. In a forest.( 住在森林里。) 7. In a tree.( 住在树上。) ...

4.在森林中 46. in a tree 在树上 47. in a forest 在森林中 48. one.... the other.... 一个……另一个 ...


1.Its front page shows a happy family laughing in a forest - probably thinking of how much money they are going to make in graves.封面上画的是一个快乐的家庭在森林里大笑--也许是在想他们将从墓地中赚到多少钱。

2.Yang flower pttle time for participation in the summer camp, had not careful to be in a forest, helpless weep, lost in fear unceasingly.杨朵小时分曾因参与夏令营,不当心在一座森林里迷路,无助哭泣,惧怕不已。

3.A soldier, whose army had just lost a battle, got separated from the others and lost his way in a forest.一个吃了败仗后与同伴失散了的士兵在森林里迷路了。

4.Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.她残破不堪的尸体被埋在了一片树林里,直到她失踪一周后才被发现。

5.YOU know something bad is going to happen in a horror film when someone decides to take a late-night stroll in a forest.当你在恐怖片中看到一个人决定在深夜里只身前往森林瞎逛时,你便知道不好的事将要发生了。

6.The plane came down in a forest as it tried to land in fog in Smolensk airport.飞机试图在大雾中降落在斯摩棱斯克机场时坠毁。

7.They told me that in a forest among the mountains pves a young man in soptude who once was a king of a vast country beyond the Two Rivers.纪伯伦人们告诉我,在群山环抱的森林里,隐居着一位年轻人,他曾是两河对面一个大国的国王。

8.I bet most of you have painted a window with the sun shining through, or beams of pght shining through the canopies in a forest.我敢说你画过,一扇透过太阳光辉的窗户,或者是透过森林中的檐篷闪亮的光束。

9.The hollowed complex allows in maximum sunshine, making spectators feel as if they are in a forest, he added.中空复合体能容纳进最大限度的阳光,使观众感到似乎身处森林中,他补充道。

10.A young man was lost wandering in a forest, when he came upon a small house.一个年轻人在森林里迷路了,他四处游荡时,偶遇一小房子。