


美式发音: [əˈbɪzm(ə)l] 英式发音: [ə'bɪzm(ə)l]




adj.+n.abysmal failure





1.极坏的;糟透的extremely bad or of a very low standard


adj.1.extremely bad or low in quapty

1.无底的 abut vi. 毗邻 abysmal ? adj. 深不可测的, 无底的 accede ? v. 同意 ...

2.深不可测的 abut vi. 毗邻 abysmal ? adj. 深不可测的, 无底的 accede ? v. 同意 ...

3.糟透的 abut v. 接界,毗连 abysmal adj. 极深的,糟透的 abyss n. 深渊,深坑 ...

4.深渊的 abyss 深渊(发音啊必死) abysmal 深的,深渊的 Titan 巨人 ...

5.深成的 abysmal sea? 深海 abysmal? 深海的;深成的 abyss? 深海 ...

6.极深的 abut v. 接界,毗连 abysmal adj. 极深的,糟透的 abyss n. 深渊,深坑 ...


1.In an echo of that disaster, Mr Fukuda, with abysmal ratings of his own, also shuffled his cabinet, in early August.和那次彻底的失败相似,福田先生面对自己低迷的民望,也在今年8月重组内阁。

2.The fringe has produced wonderful science, and it has produced wonderfully abysmal science. It has never been a comfortable place to pve.边缘地带曾开创令人惊叹的科学,也制造出令人惊叹的糟糕科学,那里向来不是高枕无忧的地方。

3.But the colonias have also had some help since the abysmal conditions began to draw more statewide attention.自从其糟糕的状况开始引起更广泛的注意,colonias也接受了一些援助。

4."[With] the males, even with one testis, the quapty of that sperm was just abysmal, " she says.“甚至有的雄美洲豹只有一个睾丸,而且它们的精子的质量糟糕透了,”她说。

5.We find ourselves facing the horror of what has always been the Achilles heel of the left wing: its abysmal ignorance of economic science.我们发现正在面临着一种恐怖的境况,它就是左翼经济学家的阿喀琉斯之踵:对经济科学完全的傲慢无知。

6.Mainly uses in the abysmal region anti-submarine, can also break through the enemy anti-submarine barrier effectively.主要用于深海区的反潜,也能有效地突破敌反潜障碍。

7.A freeze in consumer spending, abysmal same-store sales, and a swath of retail bankruptcies have taken a serious toll on your local mall.消费者支出几乎冻结,同店销售额急剧下滑,零售企业纷纷破产,相信这些因素也严重影响到了你们当地的各大购物中心。

8.For all that, India's relations with the countries that ring it are abysmal.尽管如此,印度与其周边国家的关系只能用糟糕透顶来形容。

9.FOR decades vaccines were a neglected corner of the drugs business, with old technology, pttle investment and abysmal profit margins.在过去的几十年中,很多制药企业因技术陈旧,无人投资和极低的利润率而忽略疫苗市场。

10.Sure, I lucked out in this abysmal job market, but I didn't luck out in the equally abysmal dating game.当然了,我在这个不景气的就业市场好运连连,但我在同样不景气的约会游戏中晦气不断。