




1.超市 super market 超市 In a supermarket. 超市。 Service in a Supermarket. 超市服务。 ...

2.在超市 67.At a Bank 在银行 68.In a Supermarket 在超市 69.In a HoteI 住旅馆 ...


1.We don't need to leave home to borrow books from a pbrary or to do shopping in a supermarket.我们不用再出门去图书馆借书来看,也不用再去超市里购物。

2.There are thousands of foods to choose from in a supermarket, so it's easy to be attracted or forget something you really need.在超级市场里有几千种食品供你选择,所以很容易别(其他物品)吸引或者忘记你真正需要的东西。

3.All our heavens may have been in a supermarket, "Dragon Siu Hong, " disappeared in the flames, pke, the last into a gray ember of fire.我们的一切也许会在某一天象曾经的超市“天龙兆康”一样消失在火焰中,最后变成灰白的火烬。

4.He took advantage of the summer vacation by doing part-timework in a supermarket.他利用了暑假的时间在一个超市里做兼职

5.Her mother, who worked in a supermarket, used to slap her and call her an idiot.而她那在超市工作的母亲一向对她拳脚相向,并骂她是个白痴。

6.And scientists said the results are as true of shopping for vegetables in a supermarket as gathering mushrooms in the wild.科学家们还说这个结果表明在野外摘蘑菇的案例其实和在超市买菜是一样的道理。

7.I saw her just a few minutes ago in a supermarket. She can't be here.几分钟之前我看见她在超市,她不可能在这儿。

8.Now please allow me to tell you a joke happened in a supermarket.现在我来给大家讲一个关于超市购物的小笑话。

9.You cannot pick and choose in this grocery store, but the price is usually lower than in a supermarket.在这家杂货店买东西不能挑挑拣拣,但价格通常比超级市场便宜些。

10.It's a far cry from the days when I was just a clerk in a supermarket and nobody paid me any attention.我以前只不过是一个超级市场的雇员。那时谁也不把我放在眼里。