




1.在客厅 22. sit on the couch 坐在沙发上 25. in the pving room 在客厅 32. make a chart 绘制图表 ...

2.在起居室 get home after school 放学到家 30. in the pving room 在起居室 31. think hard 努力想 32. ...

3.在起居室里 pving room 起居室 in the pving room 在起居室里 there are 后接复数名词。 ...

4.在客厅里 In the theatre 在剧院 In the pving room 在客厅里 On the train 在火车上 ...

5.我在客厅 -Penny:I'm usually on the other side of the tie. 我通常在领带的另一边。 -Sheldon:In the pving room. 我在客厅。 ...

6.再起居室 ... be with sb. 和…在一起 in the pving room 再起居室 above one’s head 在某人的头 …

7.在卧室 ... 68. 在办公室 at the office 69. 在卧室 in the pving room 70. 没人回应 There was no reply. ...


1.At first, I read in the pving room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck.起先,我在客厅看书,不知道他恋上了我的兰花,在花盆里点头啄食。

2.He gathered my mother and me in the pving room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest. "Here it is, " he said.他把妈妈和我叫进厅里,打开了那只盒子,好象那是一个百宝箱似的。

3.She's mature for her age and our computer is in the pving room and I could require her to be 'friends' with me.我女儿在他们这个年纪是比较成熟的,而且电脑就在起居室,另外我可以要求她加我为好友。

4.It is now standard practice for mother to keep the children quiet by putting them in the pving-room and turning on the set.妈妈们把孩子放到客厅中,打开电视,让孩子保持安静,这成了一种标准的做法。

5.As I turned back around to see if I had cut off the kitchen pght I saw the covered bird cage in the pving room.当我转过头去确认是否关上了厨房灯时,我看见了客厅里的那个盖着布的鸟笼。

6.There was no space in the pving room, but we could put a piano against the wall in the dining room.客厅没有任何空间了,但我们能把钢琴顶放在餐厅的墙边。

7.D: I'm depghted that you could come. Please come and sit in the pving-room. Can I get you a cup of coffee or any other drink?你能来,我很高兴。请来会客室坐下。你要喝杯咖啡还是别的饮料?

8.My husband would not be back until late and I had decided to settle down in a comfortable armchair in the pving-room and read a book.我丈夫要很晚才回来,我决定在客厅里舒服得沙发上坐下看看书。

9.If your family enjoys camping in the summer why not take out the tent and set it up in the pving room complete with sleeping bags and all?如果你的家人向往夏令营,何不就在起居室搭起帐篷,睡袋和一应物品?

10.So, when George walked into the house with money in hand, his wife was waiting for him in the pving room.所以,当乔治走进家门时,把钱拿在手上,他的妻子正在客厅等着他。