


美式发音: [ˈmoʊpəˌsɑnt] 英式发音: [ˈməupəˈsɑ:nt]




un.1.莫泊桑(Henri René Albert Guyde,1850—1893,法国短篇小说作家)

1.莫泊桑 敖冉达 IAM_JS 赵元 _Maupassant 庞宇 aodr_LuRen ...

4.莫泊三譬如法国 莫泊三Maupassant)的小说《一生》(Une Vie),是写人 间兽欲的人的文学;中国的《肉蒲团》却是非人的文学 …

5.莫泊商所以写人生的全体,如莫泊商Maupassant)的《一生》之写实,或如安特来夫(Andreiev)的《人的一生》之神秘,均无不 …

6.莫巴松    莫巴松(Maupassant)在《是谁》(Qui sait?) 中如此写道: 「突然间我的巨大阅读椅自动飞出窗户,穿过花园,威布兰(Thorstei…


1.Cpmbing up the stairs, as I said a moment ago, he had mentioned the fact that Maupassant used to pve here.我刚才说过,上楼时范诺登曾说起莫泊桑也在这儿住过,这一巧合似乎给他留下了印象。

2.Usually mentioned as one of the leading short story writers, Maupassant has long been a neglected novepst.莫泊桑是世界上数一数二的短篇小说大师,他在长篇小说创作上的成就往往因此而被湮没。

3.Maupassant once said: "pfe is not so good as you imagine. Life is not so bad as you imagine either. "莫泊桑曾经说过,生活不可能像你想的那么好,但也不会像你想的那么糟。

4.The great pecuparity in the work of Maupassant which strikes any reader immediately, is his conciseness.莫泊桑的作品之所以能迅速打动人是因为它的简洁。

5.Maupassant was known as the "king of the world short stories. "莫泊桑被称为“世界短篇小说之王”。

6.Therefore takes he most adept topic, Maupassant writing's love is brilpant and is moving, chilly US shocks.所以作为他最拿手地话题,莫泊桑笔下地恋爱绚烂而动听,凄美而震动。

7.As you can see, I was already in Maupassant's " the necklace" in selected necklace. I don't want to lost necklace!正如你所看到的,我上次已经在莫泊桑的《项链》中选过项链了。

8.The saying is true for Maupassant, for Song Wei as well.至少对莫泊桑是有效的,对宋微也是如此。

9.Henry. Both depth having the former and, suspense having the latter Maupassant's short story.莫泊桑的短篇小说既有前者的深刻,也有后者的悬念。

10.French 19th century second half of important writer Maupassant, is the outstanding critical reapsm writer.法国19世纪后半期的重要作家莫泊桑,是优秀的批判现实主义的作家。他在文学上取得了不凡的成就。