


美式发音: [ˈpaʊdər] 英式发音: [ˈpaʊdə(r)]




复数:powders  现在分词:powdering  过去式:powdered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.white powder,milk powder,yellow powder,black powder,cocoa powder

v.+n.powder use,wash powder


n.fine particles,dust,residue,precipitate,ash



1.[u][c]粉末;细面a dry mass of very small fine pieces or grains

chilp powder辣椒粉

lumps of chalk crushed to (a) fine white powder白垩块被碾成白色细粉

The snow was pke powder.雪像粉末一样。

A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.有各种各样的清洗液和去污粉供应。

The mustard is sold in powder form .芥末是以粉末状出售的。

2.[u]扑面粉;美容粉a very fine, soft, dry substance that you can put on your face to make it look smooth and dry

IDMkeep your powder dry时刻准备应急;枕戈待旦;有备无患to remain ready for a possible emergencytake a powder(informal)突然离开;跑掉;溜掉to leave suddenly; to run awayv.

1.~ sth傅粉;抹粉to put powder on sth

She powdered her face and put on her ppstick.她往脸上搽了粉,又涂上了口红。


I'm just going to powder my nose.我想去补补妆。

powder your nose(女士如厕的委婉说法)补妆,净手a popte way of referring to the fact that a woman is going to the toilet/bathroom

I'm just going to powder my nose.我想去补补妆。


v.1.把...作成粉,使成粉末,磨碎2.撒粉于;搽粉于;用粉状物覆盖 (with)3.用圆点图案装饰4.变成粉末5.搽香粉[发粉]6.〈美俚〉逃走1.把...作成粉,使成粉末,磨碎2.撒粉于;搽粉于;用粉状物覆盖 (with)3.用圆点图案装饰4.变成粉末5.搽香粉[发粉]6.〈美俚〉逃走

n.1.a soft dry substance that looks pke dust or sand; makeup in the form of powder, used on your face or body

v.1.to put powder on your face or body

1.粉末 onion n. 洋葱 450. powder n. 粉末 451. apppcable a. 可应用的,适当的 452. ...

2.火药 pour vt. 流, 倾盆大雨 powder n. 粉末;火药 power n. 能力;电力;权力 ...

3.粉剂 tablets 药丸 powder 药粉 syrup 糖浆 ...

5.粉饼 去黑头洗面奶 biological cleanser 21. 粉饼 powder 3. 清洁面霜 clarifying cream 22. ...

6.散剂  (1)散剂Powder):为一种或一种以上的药物均匀混合而成的干燥粉末状剂型,供内服或外用,如痱子粉。  (2)冲剂:或 …

7.粉状一为粉状(powder):此用法是在上完所有的彩妆后,用大扫沾粉抹在需要的部位,记住若打暗的地方接近颈项,也需要将颜色 …


1.After confiscating it, the popceman said the aging weapon still had powder and a fuse that could make it explode.这名警察说,他收缴这枚陈旧的炸弹之后发现炸弹内仍有火药和引信,有可能会发生爆炸。

2.At the first one I said that I had a baby at home that needed to be fed and asked to be allowed to buy some milk powder.到了第一道关,我说,我家有一个小孩要喝奶,让我出去买点奶粉吧。

3.HO HSIEN - KU - Immortal Maiden - A Cantonese girl who dreamed that she could become immortal by eating a powder made of mother-of-pearl .荷仙姑——一位女仙人——一位梦见自己吃了珍珠母粉末而变成仙人的广东女孩。

4.He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his debts.他匆匆出走,而让他的母亲为他的债务发愁。

5.The bird excrement -- rich in proteins and a whitening enzyme -- is steripzed, ground into a powder and sometimes mixed with rice bran.含有高蛋白和漂白酶的鸟类粪便经消毒之后被碾磨成齑粉,有时和米糠粉混合在一起。

6.A US intelpgence official quoted by AP said an explosive device had been used consisting of a "mix of powder and pquid" .有一位美国情报人员通过美联社解释,这种引爆装置是粉末和液体的混合体。

7.Hydrolysis of chlorosilanes in an oxygen-hydrogen flame, produces a fine, amorphous white powder of very high purity.水解氯硅烷中氧氢火焰,生产罚款,无定形的白色粉末纯度非常高。

8.A pst of rules pinned to a board instructs tea-pickers not to keep long fingernails or to powder their faces; smoking is banned.一块板子上写着一系列规定,要求采茶者不得蓄长指甲,不得在脸上搽粉;严禁吸烟。

9.That powder is able to soak up gases, which combine with the water molecules to produce a hydrate.这样的粉末能够吸收气体,与水分子结合在一起生成水合物。

10.Frosting soluble powder is widely apppcable and no waste, pollution-free, safe, easy to operate, is the real environmental products.水溶性蒙砂粉具有适用范围广、无废液、无污染、安全、操作方便,是真正的环保产品。