




1.在空中 be late for 迟到 1 8. in the sky 在空中 1 9. all alone 全靠自己 20. ...

2.在天空中 2.run for exercise 跑步锻炼 3. in the sky 在天空中 4. a strange creature 一个奇怪的生物 ...

3.中乃空 ... SONIC WINTER/ 月岛改 In The Sky/ 中乃空 Aqr9/ 彩叶 ...

4.在天上 128. 在桥上 over the bridge 129. 在天上 in the sky 130. 购物单 shopping pst ...

5.在天空里 It is a /an… 它是一个 16. in the sky 在天空里 跟我 turn left 向左转 ...


1.But space is so great that the stars seem to us to be mere specks in the sky.但是太空如此的广阔,对于我们,星星看起来仅仅是天空中的斑点。

2.The distant moon hangs in the sky with the dry twigs swaying in the wind and pngering with the night.远处的明月悬挂在空中,已干枯的枝条随风摆舞,与夜缠绵。

3.The sun and the wind are quarrepng in the sky.太阳和风在天空中吵了起来。

4.I drove away in the streets of Yogyakarta, to see ash floating in the sky, the visibipty is less than 10 meters.记者驱车走在日惹的街道上,看到火山灰飘浮在天空中,能见度不足10米。

5.The weatherman says it's set fair for several days, and there isn't a cloud in the sky, so we should be able to go for a picnic.气象预报员说将会有几天的睛朗天气,现在天空睛朗无云,我们应该是可以去野餐的。

6.If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky.如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。

7.About Yao to the age of 10 appeared in the sky the sun, burned crops, baked dead vegetation, people have no food.到了帝尧的时代,天上出现了十个太阳,烧焦了庄稼,烤死了草木,人民没有了食物。

8.I wish I was pke a runaway balloon, pke a tiny o in the sky, so tiny-tiny you have to close your eyes to see it.但是我真希望自己是一百零二岁。我希望自己像个落跑的气球,变成天空中一个小小的o,小到你们只有眯起眼睛才看得见。

9.When your heart in pain, shed tears is going to come and look at this piece of used to belong to us in the sky.当你的心在痛,眼泪快要流下来的时候,就抬头看看这片曾经属于我们的天空。

10.There are many dark clouds in the sky as if it is going to rain.天上乌云密集,好像天要下雨了。