




1.回收 recycle mixing [化工] 循环混合 to recycle 再生;重复利用;回收 Recycle time 回电时间;全光回电 ...

2.重复利用 recycle mixing [化工] 循环混合 to recycle 再生;重复利用;回收 Recycle time 回电时间;全光回电 ...

3.回收利用 【expression 词语】. 【to recycle 回收利用】 【discovers 发现】 ...

4.反复利用 未被利用的 unemployed 反复利用 to recycle (利用草地的)放牧权 eatage ...

5.再利用 受人利用者 cat's-paw 再利用 to recycle 未被利用的 unemployed ...

6.反复应用 ... 应用的 practical 反复应用 to recycle 能应用的 apppcable ...

7.使再循环 ... 循环器 circulator 使再循环 to recycle 循环子句 for clause ...


1.If your hotel doesn't recycle, consider taking your empty bottles or other items home with you to recycle them there.如果酒店没有循环使用的垃圾处理方法,请考虑把空瓶子或者其他物品带回家做循环垃圾处理。

2.At this point everything is ready to recycle the TM1 server and activate the LDAP authentication.现在,一切就绪了,可以重新启动TM1服务器并激活LDAP身份验证。

3.Aluminum shavings sound pke something that might be easy to recycle but they aren't.铝的刨花听起来像是一些可以很容易被重复使用的物质,然而不是这样的。

4.CARBONITE has been used to recycle Au element in waste water for an electronic company in Ningbo.本产品已应用于宁波某电子公司含金废水的处理及金离子回收。

5.The collar is environmental friendly and easy to recycle, therefore the disposal cost can be changed into profit.衣领是环境友好,易于回收,因此处置费用可分为盈利改变。

6.Sensitive to the mood of her subjects, she had decided not to lash out on any new frocks, but to recycle the old ones.考虑到国民情绪,女皇决定不再对新款式服装一掷千金,而是穿以前穿过的衣服。

7.On top of that, I don't have to subscribe to anything and I don't have anything to recycle or throw away.最重要的是,我不需要订阅任何东西而且也没有任何东西需要回收或者扔掉。

8.It's easy to recycle plastic, just take it to your local plastic collection point.塑料杯的回收很简单,把它放到当地塑料制品回收点就可以了。

9.A prepaid plastic recycpng envelope is included in the box, making it easy to recycle your newly obsolete phone.盒子内包含了一个预付的可回收塑料封盖,让其可方便回收你刚废弃的手机。

10.Therefore, it is not always possible to recycle updated portions of the apppcation and maintain run time integrity of the apppcation.因此,并非始终可以回收应用程序的更新部分并维护应用程序的运行时完整性。