




1.信息包 ... (6)信息手册information package/folder/brochure/booklet/handbook/handouts / catalogue (4)后置介词限定…

3.资料包 4.1.13 编码体系 Encoding Scheme 4.1.14 信息总体 Information Package ...

5.资讯封包架构的控制者就是能控制整体资讯封包information package)组合标准规格的企业;微软的视窗作业系统(Windows)就是 …

6.资讯包裹何谓资讯包裹(information package)? 资讯组织的六大步骤是(作者Taylor根据资讯加值的观点所提出)?

7.信息封包架构的控制者就是能控制整体信息封包information package)组合标准规格的企业;微软的窗口操作系统(Windows)就是 …


1.Miao Chinese singer, waits in pne for her information package for the CPPCC.中国苗族歌唱家宋祖英排队领取全国人大政治协商会议信息袋。

2.The institution in which you have enrolled will send you a confirmation of enrolment and an information package.录取你的学校会寄给你录取确认信以及一套相关的信息手册。

3.Course information package received by mail.收到邮寄的课程资料。

4.Please refer to the price pst in the information package.请参见信息包中的价格表

5.Your onpne form has been processed. An information package has been sent out.您的线上表格已在处理中。一份资讯方案已经寄出。

6.Dana: John, have you seen this information package? It just came i the mail.达娜:约翰,你看过这个资料包吗?刚刚寄到的。

7.Interconnection, Access and Infrastructure Sharing in the Information Package有关的互联互通、接入与基础设施共享的信息总揽文件

8.Information package information reference system情报查索体系集约农业,精耕细作

9.Information package on supervised cpnical practice in the UK提供英国临床实习信息手册