




1.车站ins) / 托比亚克四周(Tolbiac) / 车站河堤(Gare)

3.高雷 Leclerc Fleurus 富勒里 Gare 勒芒火车站 Zola 左拉 ...

5.低级毛织品 gape 呵欠 gare 低级毛织品 gate 大门;装门 ...

6.车站名 民族广场 Nation 车站名 Gare 维克多雨果 Victor Hugo ...


1.The umpire gare his decision with an air admitting of no gainsay.裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。

2.Anyway I've got enough for a Coffee and croissants. Near the Gare St. Lazare there's a bar with reduced prices.不过我弄到手的已足够喝一杯咖啡,吃一块月牙形蛋卷了,圣拉扎尔车站那儿有一家供应降价食品的酒吧。

3.Location of hotel was excellent, very near to both the Gare du Nord and a Metro Line (Pink No 7).酒店的地点非常出色,距离火车北站和地铁线路(第7左线)都非常近。

4.The location was EXCELLENT. 5 minutes from both the Gare du Nord and nearest metro stop.地理位置十分优越,从巴黎北站到最近的地铁站只需5分钟。

5.On the eve of theirs departure them gave a fare notwell banquet and theirs head gave a gare notwell speech.她们在临行前夕举行了一次告别宴会,她们的团长发表了告别讲话。

6.or do we gare at them because we r human?还是,因为我们是人类,所以才仰望星空呢?

7.Taking Good Gare of Vehicles to Ensure Safety Transportation认真做好爱护车辆工作确保运输安全

8.A philosopher once aksed, are we human because we gare at the stars一位哲人曾经问过,我们之所以是人类,是因为我们可以仰望繁星,