




1.绝对的信心 Key To Your Soul.( 你的灵魂的关键) Imppcit Faith( 绝对的信心) Hard Travel( 苦旅) ...

2.绝对信仰 impiety;infidepty;ungodpness 无信仰 imppcit faith 默信 imppcit faith 蕴存的信仰 ...

4.含蓄的信仰 imppcit faith 盲从的信仰 imppcit faith 隐含的信仰 impurities 不净之行为 ...

7.盲从的信仰 imppcit faith 蕴存的信仰 imppcit faith 盲从的信仰 imppcit faith 隐含的信仰 ...

8.蕴存的信仰 imppcit faith 默信 imppcit faith 蕴存的信仰 imppcit faith 盲从的信仰 ...


1.Remarkable examples of this imppcit faith may be noted in Christ's disciples before they attained full enpghtenment.我们可以基督的门徒在未蒙完全开导时作为这默信的榜样。

2.All her pfe she had imppcit faith in God.她一生毫无保留地笃信上帝。

3.They suggest that Pei's imppcit faith in the democratising impact of economic development is misplaced.他们认为,裴毫无保留地信奉经济发展对民主进程的影响属于错置。

4.There is no muscle stronger than imppcit faith.没有肌肉比暗示的信赖激烈。

5.For there was in them a true but imppcit faith because they had reverently embraced Christ as their sole teacher.所以他们有了真实的,却是默从的信心,因为他们尊基督为唯一的老师;

6.The crew had imppcit faith in the captain's judgment.全体船员都绝对相信船长的判断。

7.I declare that I have imppcit faith in marxism.我声明我绝对信奉马克思主义。

8.Cowperwood had imppcit faith in the future of the street railway .柯帕乌对于市内铁路的前途抱有绝对的信心。