




1.有趣的人 ... interested 感兴趣的,关心的 interesting person 有趣的人 be interested in/at 对什么感兴趣 ...

2.一个有趣的人 西游记 Journey to the West 有趣的人物 interesting person 著名故事书 famous story books ...


1." She said: " he is an interesting person.她说:“他这人挺有意思。”

2.And who knows, maybe some of the methods will actually make you smarter or at least help you become a more interesting person.但是谁知道呢,也许有些方法会让你变聪明或至少可以让你变成一个有意思的人。

3.If you can see everything with a sense of humor, you are an interesting person, and people will never feel dull together with you.假如你能带着诙谐感对待一切事物,那你是一个令人感兴味的人,人们和你在一同也不会感到单调乏味。

4.Humanitari an and group activities are favored. Your uniqueness is an asset to you, and others find you to be an interesting person.人道主义和集体活动是你赞同的,独一无二是你宝贵的特征,别人会发现你是个有趣的人。

5.And a room with two interesting people is better than a room with only one interesting person.有两个有趣的人的地方总比只有一个有趣的人的地方好玩。

6.It's nice to talk to such an interesting person as you.和你这么有趣的人谈话很有意思。

7.Right. But if you're not part of the beauty Olympics, you can still be a very interesting person.没错。但如果你不是在参加选美奥林匹克,你仍然算得上是个非常有意思的人。

8.Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. Intelpgence plus wit makes for an interesting person.他们的力量再加上勇气使得他们难于战胜。智慧加上机智就会造就一个有趣的人

9.Regardless of how you use your new language skills, you will have become a more educated interesting person.无论如何使用新的语言技能,你将成为一个更博学有趣的人。

10.if you're not in the beauty Olympics, you can still be a very interesting person.就算你没参加过选美,你也是个相当风趣的人