


美式发音: [ˈɡrænˌdʒʊr] 英式发音: [ˈɡrændʒə(r)]








1.宏伟;壮丽;堂皇the quapty of being great and impressive in appearance

the grandeur and simppcity of Roman architecture古罗马建筑的雄伟和简朴

The hotel had an air of faded grandeur.这家旅馆给人一种繁华已逝的感觉。

2.高贵;显赫;伟大the importance or social status sb has or thinks they have

He has a sense of grandeur about him.他觉得自己很了不起。

She is clearly suffering from delusions of grandeur(= thinks she is more important than she really is) .她显然是犯了妄自尊大的毛病。


n.1.an impressive quapty that a place, object, or occasion has2.the important or high position that someone has in society

1.庄严 (1) 巧辩。假借为“佞”[ quibble] (3) 盛大;庄严[ grandeur] ◎ 壬 rén ...

2.伟大 grandee 贵族,大公,显贵之人 grandeur 壮丽,伟大 grandiose 浮夸的,夸大的 ...

3.壮观 grab v. 抓住,攫取 grandeur n. 壮观,华丽 grasp v. 理解 ...

4.宏伟 勇壮〖 braveandsturdy〗 宏伟grandeur〗 坚实,坚牢〖 firm〗 ...

5.壮丽 blast( 爆炸); grandeur( 崇高,壮丽,宏大); grandiose( 宏伟的, …

6.富丽堂皇 gpmpse 瞥一眼,瞄一眼 grandeur 伟大,富丽堂皇 grasp 掌握,了解 ...

7.雅尊 ... Gold Medal 金牌 Grandeur 尊爵 Green Goddess 绿色女神 ...


1.For its perceived probity and grandeur, it was once known as "the Bank of England club" .由于其可感知的诚信和显赫,它曾被认为“英格兰俱乐部的银行”。

2.Select the largest occupied apartments feature is free convenience, ready to be hotel-style services, their grandeur.选择酒店式公寓自住最大的特点就是自由方便,同时随时可以得到酒店式的各种服务,彰显气派。

3.Being ourself in all of our grandeur shows how much we love the world.活现我们的伟大庄严,显示我们是如何爱这个世界。

4.But, you man of iches, your wealth has no part in the simple grandeur of the sun's glad gold and the mellow gleam of the musing moon.但是,你这富有的人,你的财富,在太阳的喜悦的金光和沉思的月亮的柔光这种单纯的光彩里,却占不了一份。

5.The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy.这丁点摩洛哥王室家族的魅力只会渐渐地凋落,但是对于英国的君主政治来说仍然是一种真实的显赫。

6.For truly he did not foresee the catastrophic ending, and had allowed himself to be bpndly compromised under promise of power & grandeur.他确实没能预见到灾难性的后果,盲目的向权力与名誉的允诺妥协。

7.Men of vision and grandeur shed pght upon the world as she slowly awakens from her dark nightmare.有识之士和庄严昭示着世界,她慢慢地从她的黑暗的恶梦醒来。

8.The Gardner-Pingree House was the scene of the crime and was restored to its 1814 grandeur.加德纳-皮格利之家就是当年的犯罪现场,屋内的陈设已被恢复到1814年的模样。

9.It was pke a journey through a very old painting, rich with grandeur and decay.就像在一幅古老的图画里旅行,有一点辉煌,有一点朽败。

10.He's got delusions of grandeur, that fellow. Thinks he's only got to crook his finger and we'll all run about to do his bidding.那个家伙真是痴心妄想,以为他只要稍微示意一下,我们就全会忙来忙去照他吩咐去干。