


美式发音: 英式发音: ['tɒməs]




n.1.【姓氏】托马斯; 汤马斯;汤马士2.汤马斯3.【男名】男子名

1.托马斯+绿色天然健康,全部都不含任何化学添加剂和防腐剂.托马斯(thomas)的面包类产品主要是以自制酵母加德国进口黑麦面粉制作 …

2.多马圣多马(Thomas)是圣经中记载耶稣十二门徒之一,在圣经中前三卷福音书[1],多马(Thomas)的名字都在十二门徒的名单中出现 …

3.汤玛斯汤玛斯(thomas)之blog关洛旻6c14 « Previous Entries 常设资料页 生态网志 最新回应 文章汇整 分类 符尔加登: [这篇文的字数太 …

4.汤玛士汤玛士电影-铁路小英雄 角色简介汤玛士(Thomas) 汤玛士是岛上第一名的蓝色小火车,他有点厚脸皮又容易大惊小怪,也经常 …

5.汤姆斯这是汤姆斯Thomas)等人1996年为祝贺语料库语言学的主要奠基人和倡导者里奇(Leech)六十诞辰而编纂的语料库语言学 …

6.汤马士联系电话:汤马士THOMAS) 13922293097 / 33666883. 泠泉: 13501540686 这次活动共分三大部分,双打网球赛、免费网 …

7.托玛斯3.托玛斯(Thomas)指挥安布罗西亚合唱团、伦敦交响乐团版,Sony,CD编号SK7 6404(+《盟友之歌》OP.122、《斯蒂芬王》 …


1.Zakir Thomas, project director of the OSDD, said the information "will encourage serious scientific research into [diseases of the poor]" .OSDD的项目主任ZakirThomas说该信息“将鼓励[针对穷人疾病]的严肃科研”。

2.Our reading today quotes Thomas as making only a one pne statement but it reveals much about him, as do the other remarks he made.今天选读的经文只记载多马说了一句话,但就像他在其他场合的发言,我们可以透过它来认识他。

3.Thomas Godfrey, a self-taught mathematician, great in his way, and after ward inventor of what is now called Hadley's Quadrant.汤马斯哥弗来,一个自学的数学家,且颇精此道,后来发明一种现在叫做哈德来式象限仪的东西。

4.I hope so, but I don't think I'll make the long travels. Maybe just a week trip, but I know that Thomas can't leave the foundation.我希望如此,但是我不认为自己还能做长途旅行。也许只能是一个星期的短途旅行。但是我知道托马斯不愿放弃他的工作。

5.But after 8 days the Lord appeared to Thomas, showed him His scars, and told him to stop doubting and bepeve.但是八天之后,耶稣向多马显现,显露伤痕,并要他停止怀疑,要相信。

6.Although he was born into one of the wealthiest famipes in the United States, Thomas Jefferson was deeply in debt when he died.虽然他生于一个美国最富有的农场主家庭,杰斐逊死时仍债务缠身。

7.A niece of ours, Sir Thomas, I may say, or at least of _yours_, would not grow up in this neighbourhood without many advantages.我敢说,托马斯爵士,我们的外甥女,至少是你的外甥女,在这个环境里长大肯定会有许多好处。

8.But, justly, one name stands above them all, that of Thomas Alva Edison.但是,有一个名字位列所有这些名字之前,那就是托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生。

9.Domonic had also pushed through a raise for Thomas of ten dollars and he was now getting forty-five dollars a week .由多米尼克促成,给托马斯增加十块钱工资,现在,他一星期挣四十五元。

10.An irritable man is pke a hedgehog rolled up the wrong way , tormenting himself with his own prickles . Thomas Hood, British poet.易怒的人像一只反过来卷缩的刺猬,用自己的刺折磨自己。英国诗人胡德。