




1.程序验证程序命令 ... 44.1.1 Web 应用程序的异常 610 47.5.2 MSBuild 模式 653 50.1.3 Web 部署项目 682 ...

3.新方法 ... logger: 编译信息的记录员 targets:msbuild 的动作 buildArgs: 编译 …

5.使用 使用 Wfc.exe 使用 MSBuild 服务合同 Service Contracts ...


1.MSBuild introduces a new XML-based project file format that is simple to understand, easy to extend, and fully supported by Microsoft.MSBuild引入了一种新的基于XML的项目文件格式,这种格式容易理解、易于扩展并且完全受Microsoft支持。

2.You execute a task in an MSBuild project file by creating an element with the name of the task as a child of a Target element.通过创建一个元素并将任务的名称作为Target元素的子元素,可执行MSBuild项目文件中的任务。

3.If a task inside of a target uses batching, MSBuild needs to determine if the inputs and outputs for each batch of items is up-to-date.如果目标内的任务使用批处理,MSBuild需要确定项的各个批的输入和输出是否都是最新的。

4.MSBuild checks if the inputs and outputs of a target are up-to-date before it runs the target.MSBuild在运行目标之前会检查该目标的输入和输出是否是最新的。

5.MSBuild is the engine behind Team Foundation Build and the custom tasks have to be in a format that MSBuild understands.MSBuild是TeamFoundationBuild的后台引擎,自定义任务必须为MSBuild可以理解的格式。

6.Element. This lets MSBuild know where to look for the execution logic of your task when it finds it in your project file.这样,当MSBuild在项目文件中找到任务后,就知道在何处查找任务的执行逻辑了。

7.Converts the specified string into a syntax that allows the MSBuild engine to interpret the character pterally.将指定的字符串转换为使MSBuild引擎可以按原义解释字符的语法。

8.Describes the general concepts behind the MSBuild file format and how all of the pieces fit together.介绍MSBuild文件格式背后的常规概念,以及所有这些概念之间的关系。

9.Data Dude. These include refactoring, static analysis, MSBuild tasks for data and schema comparison, and a dependency walker.其中包括了重构、静态分析、针对数据和结构比较的MSBuild任务,以及一个依赖查看器(Walker)。

10.The Team Foundation Build process is controlled by a set of XML files that correspond to the MSBuild project file schema.TeamFoundationBuild过程由对应于MSBuild项目文件架构的一组XML文件控制。