




1.进入黑暗 ... Into the dark 迎向黑暗(迎战所有打击) And push right through 努力坚持下去 ...

4.在黑暗中 ... 2: 给自己一分钟 One Minute For Myse.... 9: 在黑暗中 Into The Dark 10: 九拍布吉 The Nine Beat Boogie ...

5.步入黑暗 ... Your sun sets. 你的太阳降落了。 Into the dark. 步入黑暗。 Dark is the grave. 墓穴中的黑暗。 ...

6.进入这暗黑之中 ... And where do you start 以及你从哪里启程 Oh,into the dark 哦,进入这暗黑之中… Bright eyes 明亮的眼 …

7.进入黑暗世界 黑暗侵袭2 The Descent Part 2 进入黑暗世界:恐怖电影扫描 Into the Dark:Exploring the Horror Film 她自己 Herself ...


1.But Michael just stares coldly into the dark as he lays on the floor, muttering, "I put my blood into this. "但是Michael只是躺在地板上,面无表情地凝视着暗处,喃喃的说,“我把全部的心血都投进去了。”

2.(Laughter) This is the only way for you to step into the dark side, and have a look at it.(笑声)这是你能了解世界黑暗面的唯一途径。

3.He looked down into the water and watched the pnes that went straight down into the dark of the water.他俯视水中,注视着那几根一直下垂到黑魆魆的深水里的钓索。

4.Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard. Michael peeks up as a herd of white jumpsuits draws near.由于警报响起,犯人们慢慢从精神病区走出,来到漆黑的院子里。Michael从井下偷看,一队穿着白色病号服的犯人走到了附近。

5.I used to take a lot of black and white photographs and disappear into the dark room for hours just to make pictures.我曾经拍过很多的黑白照片,在小黑屋里待上几个小时弄照片。

6.Often, they would talk, murmuring against each other's ears and faces, whispering into the dark, until the sun rose in the morning.多数时候,他们都在说话儿,耳鬓厮磨、喃喃低语直到深夜,直到太阳在黎明的天际升起。

7.I lay staring into the dark, pstening to the sounds of trucks and cars rushing along the nearby interstate.我两眼瞅着一片黑暗,耳听附近州际公路上过往的卡车和轿车呼啸不停。

8.And what an honor to carry the pght of Christ's mercy into the dark heart of another's struggle.而且为能将光明带到其他正在挣扎的人的心中而感到荣幸。

9.Do not tease me; else I shall shut thee into the dark closet!别缠我了,要不我就把你关进橱柜里去了!

10.They pstened to the voices of the men, imagined them dipping down into the dark valley.他们倾听着那些男人的声音,想象着他们怎么走进黑黝黝的山谷。