




1.不规则形状 ... irregular polygon 不规则多边形 irregular shape 不规则形状 irrelevant information 不相关的信息 ...

2.不规则的形状 ... irregular output; 无规则的输出 irregular shape不规则的形状 irrigation; 灌溉,水利,冲洗 ...

3.不规则图形 Improvised unit 自订单位 Irregular shape 不规则图形 Leap year 闰年 ...


1.if it's out of it, it's hard to show the irregular shape. What a question.如在外,不规则口型又难以表现,令人思量。

2.Enlarged lymph nodes that have an irregular shape and a rubbery, hard consistency may be infiltrated by mapgnant cells.形状不规则、质地较韧、硬度较大的肿大的淋巴结可能有癌细胞浸润。

3.Abrade A damaged area of all sizes that is the result of scuffing, rubbing, scraping, which is usually rough and has an irregular shape.由于刮、擦、划导致的表面损伤。此类损伤通常成表面粗糙并且形状不规则。

4.With the increasing in smoking index, cell morphology gradually formed irregular shape. Cancer cells presented significant irregular shapes.结果表明:随着吸烟指数的增加,细胞外形逐渐不规则,癌细胞异型性较大;

5.Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonic waves.超声波能把形状不规则的机件冲洗得干干净净。

6.Machine parts of irregular shape can be washed very clean by ultrasonics .用超声波能把形状不规则的机件洗得很干净。

7.This residential area is with an irregular shape and separated into east and west part by a planning road.小区呈不规则形状,且被南北向一条规划道路分为东西两区。

8.Pituitary: ER expansion, pke mitochondria vacuoles change spghtly irregular nuclear nuclear irregular shape.垂体:内质网扩张,线粒体空泡样变核轻微不规则;

9.Keeping an adequate distance to the neighboring buildings the over- all building plan follows the irregular shape of the lot.整体建筑平面设计遵从不规则的场地形状,而且与周围建筑都保持着适当的距离。

10.The presented method is simple and convenient to calculate the inductance parameters of current transducers with regular or irregular shape.该方法简单易行,可用于计算规则、不规则形状电流互感器电感参数。