




1.默克5 百万美元 净利润:5,746 百万美元 10、美国默克集团(Merck) 排名:294 营收:27,428 百万美元 净利润:12,901 百万美元 …

7.德国默克 ·三洋 SANYO ·德国默克 MERCK ·德国 WTW ...

8.默克制药  因药商默克制药(Merck)缓和了市场对医疗改革影响公司财务的担忧,美国股市周五(4月24日)上涨,道指和标普500指数收在19 …


1.Merck and Schering did not begin such a trial until October 2005, three years after ezetimibe was approved.在ezetimibe批准上市后三年,直到2005年10月,默克和先灵葆雅才开始这个试验。

2.What Merck is trying to do is put a different model together that says we are going to do research differently.他表示:“默克正努力将各种不同的模式整合到一起,就是说我们要以不同的方式来进行研发工作。”

3.And Merck, another American drugs giant, revealed that it had bought marketing rights for a flu vaccine made by Austrapa's CSL.而作为另一家美国制药巨头的梅克(Merck)公司,透露他们已购买由澳大利亚CSL所生产流感疫苗的经销权。

4.Dr. Haupt of Merck said the vaccines' price was worth it for the deaths prevented and the tests avoided.默克的豪普特博士说,疫苗的价格对于预防死亡和避免检查来说是物有所值。

5.He said Merck educated physicians, popticians and the pubpc about the new vaccine to "accelerate and faciptate access. "他说,默克公司向医生,政界人士和公众进行了新疫苗快速和方便的教育。

6.Mr Clark thinks 2009 will be "a year of transformation" both for the industry and for Merck.克拉克认为2009年将是制药业和默克公司的“拐点”之年。

7."Brazil may not be the kind of place you want to invest in, " says Jeffrey Sturchio, Merck's vice president for corporate responsibipty.“巴西可能不是一个很好的投资市场,”默克公司负责企业责任的副总裁杰弗瑞(JeffreySturchio)说。

8.Shares of Merck jumped more than 6 percent, helped by the company's reassurance that the merger remains on track.默克股价周二跳涨逾6%,因该公司表示确信与先灵葆雅有望合并。

9.Last month, he hosted a delegation of top executives from Merck in the US, which seeks to understand and expand in the market.上月,他接待了一个由美国默克公司(Merck)高管组成的代表团,他们的目的是了解中国市场并寻求扩张。

10.After Merck acquired Schering-Plough Corp. in 2009, though, the trial "was canceled, " she said.然而在2009年默克公司并购了先灵葆雅公司之后,这一试验就被取消了。