




1.恋爱求证 Denied / 违心 Is It Just Me / 恋爱求证 The.Sorcerers.Apprentice / 魔法师的学徒 ...

2.是否只有我 ... 厕所 To the toilet ! 是我的错觉 Is it just me, 是谁 谁 谁 Who ? Who - who ? ...

4.你觉不觉得 你绝对有能力把一个简单的鸡尾酒会, you have the abipty to make a simple cocktail party 你觉不觉得, IS IT JUST ME ...


1.Harrison Ford is looking a bit old, and is it just me or is Ford starting to sound pke Cpnt Eastwood?仅对我个人而言,哈里森福特有点老了或许是因为福特的声音开始像克林特-伊斯特伍德了?

2.Is it just me or was that the most awkward moment ever?是我的错觉吗,刚才尴尬得让人喘不过气?

3.Is it just me, sleeping with the enemy?难道只有我,正与敌同眠?

4.Is it just me, or is she challenging me to a hot-dog eating contest?什么意思?她是想跟我来场吃热狗大赛以决定到底谁有理吗?

5.Is it just me, or did Yao shoulder bump Josh Howard when he walked past him right before Artest broke things up?只是我想,或者是姚明肩膀撞霍华德时,阿泰斯特走到他的面前,那会发生的事情呢?

6.Is it just me or are the foreign players too eager to stick a speculative foot out rather than be brave and dive in?到底是只有我这么想,还是那些外国球员太过积极去冒险出脚迎球而不是勇敢地扑向前顶球?

7.Also, is it just me or do some of his 3D sculptures look pke robots?另外,它只是我或做一些他的3D雕塑像机器人一样吗?

8.statue #1: hey guys, u know its easter today, how come nobody comes to visit us? is it just me or are we not mysterious any more?雕像1号:嘿,大伙儿,今天是复活节,怎么没人来拜访我们呢?是我还是我们大家都不神秘了?

9.Is it just me, or can you see a future for these guys running a hedge fund?是只我自己,还是你也看出来,这些家伙将拥有一个运行对冲基金的大好前途?

10.Does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, or is it just me?杜福雷先生,你和我一样都觉得那是巧合吗?