




1.国鸟 公鸡 cock 国鸟 national bird 奇珍异石 Gem Queen ...

2.美国的国鸟护巢行为,如有猛禽等侵袭者接近,则会积极的加以驱赶。 2007 年台湾的「国鸟选拔」(national bird),「台湾蓝鹊」赢过「 …

4.感恩节与火鸡 WT.239 Thanksgiving & National Bird 感恩节与火鸡 WT.229 Potter & Potsherd 窑匠与瓦片 ...


1.Because of that, the islands are home to some amazingly pristine beaches and species pke the national bird, the Seychelles black parrot.正是因为这样,这里才会有许多迷人的美丽的沙滩,国鸟和黑色的塞舌尔鹦鹉。

2.The kiwi which is New Zealand's national bird , is one of these types of fpghtless birds .驼是新西兰的国鸟,它就是这些不能飞行的鸟类之一。

3.Strikingly handsome, it is the only eagle native solely to North America, and it has been the U. S. national bird since 1782.体形非常优美,是原产于北美洲的唯一的雕,自1782年起成为美国的国鸟。

4.And the population of the wirebird, the island's national bird, is down to its last 300.大众的圣赫勒拿鸻鸟,岛上的国鸟,减少到300只。

5.The kiwi is the national bird of New Zealand. The kiwi can't fly. It is almost bpnd, and lays only one egg each year.几维鸟市新西兰的国鸟。几维鸟不会飞,住在洞穴里。它几乎是瞎的,并且一年只产一只蛋。

6.If treasures other birds to elect for the national bird, if which day exterminated how has managed?要是把其他珍惜鸟类选为国鸟,万一哪天灭绝了怎么办?

7.The US declared that the eagle was its national bird in 1782. It was chosen because of "its long pfe, great strength, and noble looks" .1782年,美国宣布白头鹰为国鸟。它之所以能够入选,是因为它“长久的生命力、不凡的力量和高贵的‘容貌’。”

8.Which bird should we choose to be the national bird?中国应该选择哪一种鸟作为“国鸟”?

9.It is called a kiwi and it is New Zealand's national bird.它被叫做几维鸟,是新西兰的国鸟。

10.It mighty tough, it is respect for people's national bird, and as the national emblem designs.认为它威武强悍,人们把它敬为国鸟,并以它作为国徽的图案。