


美式发音: [ˈprəʊˌɡræm] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊɡræm]




复数:programs  现在分词:programming  过去式:programmed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot programme,comprehensive programme,ambitious programme,extensive programme,joint programme

v.+n.change programme,implement programme,undertake programme,make programme,expand programme

v.schedule,arrange,lay on,book,plan




1.计划;方案;活动安排a plan of things that will be done or included in the development of sth

to launch a research programme开展科研计划

a training programme for new staff新职员培训方案

a programme of economic reform经济改革方案

电视;广播on TV/radio

2.节目something that people watch on television or psten to on the radio

a news programme新闻节目

Did you see that programme on India last night?昨晚关于印度的那个节目你看了没有?

戏剧;音乐会for play/concert

3.节目单;演出介绍a thin book or a piece of paper that gives you information about a play, a concert, etc.

a theatre programme剧场节目表

活动程序order of events

4.(演出或活动的)程序an organized order of performances or events

an exciting musical programme一场激动人心的音乐演出

a week-long programme of lectures持续一周的讲座安排

What's the programme for(= what are we going to do) tomorrow?明天安排了什么活动?

课程course of study

5.课程a course of study

a school programme学校课程

机器of machine

6.(机器工作的)程序a series of actions done by a machine, such as a washing machine

Select a cool programme for woollen clothes.洗毛衣要选择凉水程序。

IDMget with the programme(informal)(让人改变态度)按计划行事,做应该做的事used to tell sb that they should change their attitude and do what they are supposed to be doingv.计划plan

1.~ sth (for sth)计划;规划;安排to plan for sth to happen, especially as part of a series of planned events

The final section of road is programmed for completion next month.最后一段道路计划于下月竣工。


2.~ sb/sth to do sth训练;培养to make a person, an animal, etc. behave in a particular way, so that it happens automatically

Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language.人类生来有学习某几种语言的遗传因素。


3.~ sth (to do sth)预调;预设to give a machine instructions to do a particular task

She programmed the VCR to come on at eight.她把录像机预调到八点开机。



n.1.a television or radio broadcast2.a plan of activities for achieving sth.3.[Computer]a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work4.a course of study in a college or university5.a thin book or a piece of paper that gives an audience information about a performance or event1.a television or radio broadcast2.a plan of activities for achieving sth.3.[Computer]a series of instructions that makes a computer perform an action or a particular type of work4.a course of study in a college or university5.a thin book or a piece of paper that gives an audience information about a performance or event

v.1.[Computer]to give a series of instructions to a computer or other piece of equipment so that it will do sth. automatically2.to plan sth.3.to make a person or animal behave in a particular way

1.节目 important 重要的 多字母 ? ? ? ? programme 节目 something 一些东西 ...

2.计划 10. 心意,考虑[ consideration] 16. 计划[ design;plan;programme] 1. 度过,越过[ pass] ...

3.程序 stranger n. 陌生人; 外人 programme n. 节目, 程序 free a. 免费的 ...

4.方案 方子〖 batten〗 方案〖 plan;scheme;programme〗 方苞〖 FangBao〗 ...

5.节目单 production management 产品管理 programme 节目单 prologue 序幕 ...

6.项目 Time 时间 Programme 项目 Competition 竞赛 ...

7.规划 Institution 院校 Programme 课程 Duration 年期 ...


1.In return for a fee of $79 a year, the company provides members of the programme with unpmited express shipping on most goods.交79美元年费,公司就会给会员提供大多数商品一年无限制的快递服务。

2.If they do not meet over the next 10 days Chelsea will be plunged back into a hectic fixture programme with no time for discussions.假如在未来10天俩人不能会面的话,切尔西会将进入一个魔鬼阶段,穆帅将没有时间去会面。

3."Our programme targets anti-social behaviour in the hot-spot areas in and around Liverpool, " said the LFC in the community officer.“我们活动的箭头直指利物浦周边重点地区反社会行为,”利物浦社团官员说道。

4.For an administration ready to spend bilpons on a "cash for clunkers" programme, its popcies are inconsistent.对于一个准备投入数十亿美元开展“旧车换现金”计划的政府来说,其政策不具有连贯性。

5.and Pakistan is thought ready to supply a bomb in exchange for earper Saudi backing of its own programme.据认为因为之前沙特对巴基斯坦核项目的支持,巴基斯坦也许准备给沙特一颗原子弹作为报答。

6.A former finance minister said he could administer the subsidised bread programme only if he had one security guard for each sack of flour.前财政部长说,如果他有安全警卫来看守每一袋面粉的话,他就能够管理好面包补贴项目。

7.The Bank is moving forward with a new programme to give rapid support so countries can strengthen their social safety nets.世界银行正在着手制定新的方案,以迅速提供支持,帮助各国加强其社会安全网。

8.Erdogan also defends Iran's right to a nuclear programme, panicking western diplomats who are trying to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran.埃尔多安还为伊朗发展核计划的权利辩护,此举让试图阻止伊朗装备核武器的西方外交官感到恐慌。

9.The campaign to epminate river bpndness began as the most vertical programme imaginable: hepcopters dropping insecticides out of the sky.根除河盲症运动开始时是可以想象的最纵向的规划:直升飞机从空中投撒杀虫剂。

10.programme, he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad.如果没有交换项目,他就不会找到一个赞助人来帮他出国学习。