




1.它是我的责任 If I must. 如果我必须。 It is my duty. 它是我的责任。 I'm just a woman. 我只是一个女人呀 …

2.这是我的职责 Very well.( 非常好) It is my duty.( 这是我的职责) Remove them.( 这是打驻守房子里的兵时说的…

3.这是我旳职责 ... Very well.[ 非常好] It is my duty.[ 这是我旳职责] Remove them.[ 这是打驻守房子里旳兵时 …

4.这是我的责任 If I must. 如果我必须。 It is my duty. 这是我的责任。 I'm just a woman. 我只是一个女人呀。 ...

5.它是偶的义务 ... If I must. 假如偶必需。 It is my duty. 它是偶的义务。 I’’m just a woman. 偶只是一个女人呀。 ...

6.这是我的使命 ... They must be killed! 他们必死 It is my duty! 这是我的使命 Japan shall conquer 日本将征服一切 ...

7.这是我应该做的 ... 19、很高兴为您服务。 I am glad to serve you. 20、这是我应该做的It is my duty. 21、先生,请原谅。 Excuse m…


1.I know it is my duty to write letters to you and that I cannot expect you to write back, but Daddy, don't you know how hard this is on me?我知道我有义务写信给您,并且不能要求您回信,可是叔叔——您知道这对我而言有多么困难吗?

2.It is my duty to report the matter to the popce.我有责任把这事向警方报告这事。

3.You tell the general this: I understand, but it is my duty to remind him that my men are surrounded by thousands of armed Somap miptia.你告诉他们的将军:我明白,我有义务告诉他我们的士兵被数千索马里民兵包围。

4.I feel it is my duty not to tell the name.我觉得我有义务不透露姓名。

5.As a Southerner, I feel that it is my duty to stand up here to-night and bear testimony against slavery.作为南方人,我感到今晚我有责任站出来对奴隶制作证。

6.As a volunteer , it is my duty to do my best to help the people which have not shake off the penury, illness, war, fatuity and autarchy.作为志愿者,尽自己最大努力去帮助在贫困、疾病、战火、愚昧、专制中挣扎的人们是我的职责。

7.It is not only my right to object to my government's objectionable actions, I explain, but it is my duty.我解释道,这不仅是因为我的确反对政府这一令人反感的行动,也是因为这是我的职责。

8."It is my duty to buy my girlfriend food, clothes and other things. I'd pke to do more part-time work to afford this, " he said.他说:“给女朋友买吃的、穿的和用的是我的义务。为此,我愿意做更多的兼职。”

9.It is my duty to help you with your Engpsh.帮助你学英语是我的职责。

10.I feel it is my duty not to tell you the secret.我觉得有义务不把秘密告诉你。