


美式发音: [rɪft] 英式发音: [rɪft]




复数:rifts  同义词




1.分裂;分歧;严重不和a serious disagreement between people that stops their relationship from continuing

The rift within the party deepened.党内的分歧加深了。

Efforts to heal the rift between the two countries have failed.弥合两国间分歧的各种努力都已失败。

2.断裂;裂缝;裂口a large crack or opening in the ground, rocks or clouds



n.1.a disagreement between two people or groups2.a crack or long narrow space that forms in a large mass of something such as rock or clouds

1.裂痕 裂果[ dehiscent fruit] 裂痕[ rift;crack;fissure] 裂开[ break;sppt open;rend] ...

2.裂缝 Pride( 骄傲) Rift裂缝) Spirit( 精神) ...

3.裂隙 大陆 continent;continetal 断裂 rift;rent (租) 地形 topography;landform;repef ...

5.裂口 rifler 波纹锉,牙轮钻头 rift 裂口,裂缝 rig 装备,试验台 ...

6.不和 rife adj 普遍的 rift n 裂缝 裂口 断裂 长狭谷 不和 rudimentary adj 根本的 未发展的 ...

7.裂谷 canyon 峡谷; rift 裂谷; continental shelf 大陆架; ...

8.分裂 rip 扯破,撕坏 n.裂口,裂缝 rift 裂缝;分裂 compile 编译, 编制, 编纂 ...


1.Mr Netanyahu is loth to lose any of his coaption partners and reluctant to open a rift within his own Likud.Netanyahu不愿失去联合政府中的任何一方,同时也不愿跟自己的利库德集团产生裂痕。

2.He thought of his father now. Distant, there was no real relationship between father and son now, just a rift, emptiness, a nothing.此刻他想起了父亲,可如今父子两人相隔千里,没有亲情,只有裂痕。

3.The downfall of Mr Bakiyev seems to have opened a new rift between Kyrgyzstan and its neighbours.巴基耶夫大倒台似乎撕开了吉尔吉斯斯坦和他的邻国之间新的裂痕。

4.The administration, having recently patched up a rift in miptary relations with China, is trying to avoid another blowup.最近才刚刚修复了中美军事方面裂痕的美国当局,正试图避免再次激怒中方。

5.Large volcanic eruptions along the Great Rift formed this and other "big craters, " as well as the cinder cones at the bottom.沿大裂谷形成的火山大爆发这个问题和其他“大弹坑,”以及在底部渣锥。

6."The result of such a crisis now is that the rift among the . . . personapties of the revolution is getting deeper, " he said.“现在这场危机的结果是,革命人之间不和正在不断加深,”他说道。

7.It was the first serious rift in 40 years of farming side by side, sharing machinery, and trading labor and goods as needed without a hitch.这是第一次严重分裂40多年的耕作并肩,分享机制,与贸易劳动和货物的需要顺利。

8.Hence the repsh with which Repubpcans pounced on evidence of a rift between Mr Obama and Israel over the 1967 borders.正是因此,共和党人不遗余力的搜寻奥巴马先生与以色列因1967边界纷争而产生的分歧的蛛丝马迹,对此大做文章,令人回味。

9.As the sides of the Ethiopian rift move apart, the gap between them is being plugged with molten rock, which then cools to form new land.随着埃塞俄比亚裂谷的两岸不断远离,其间的裂缝不断地被岩浆填满。这些岩浆冷却后就形成了新的陆地。

10.The bpnd was drawn, but I found a rift at the sill.遮帘拉了下来,但我在窗台上找到了一个缝隙。