


网络释义:规范(Java Business Integration)


1.规范(Java Business Integration)ServiceMix 是一个轻量级的、可嵌入的、开源的 Enterprise Service Bus(ESB)和 SOA 工具包,它支持 Java Business Integr


1.Such a request-response messaging pattern is also allowed in JBI and referred to as in-out.这种请求-响应消息模式在JBI中也是允许的,被称为in-out。

2.The rest of this series is all about using JBI and configuring ServiceMix to build an HSB.该系列其余部分关于使用JBI以及配置ServiceMix来构建HSB。

3.Two years after it was released, the number of ESB implementations that do not use JBI outweighs the number that do.JBI发布了整整两年后,不采用它的ESB实现居然比用的还多。

4.Integration was the initial idea behind the spawning of JBI, but it will prove to be useful in other situations.集成是导致JBI产生的初始念头,但在其他情况下,其效用也将被证明。

5.This File Binding Component configuration provides a JBI service with the name esb: mail-service and has an endpoint with the name sender.这个文件绑定组件的配置提供了一个名为esb:mail-service的JBI服务,并拥有一个名为sender的端点。

6.There were few people interested in deploying to SCA, but it was "on the radar" as something they may need in conjunction with JBI.虽然只有很少人感兴趣于部署到SCA,但看起来在与JBI协作时,需要一些东西。

7.Step 3: The BC transforms the service invocation request into a normapzed format defined by the JBI specification.第3步:BC将服务调用请求转换成JBI规范定义的规范化格式。

8.This example implements a provider, which can be accessed from other JBI services by sending a JIB message to this service endpoint.这个例子实现了一个提供者,其他JBI服务可通过向这个服务端点发送一条JBI消息,从而对该提供者进行访问。

9.Step 9: The BC connected with the first JBI environment transforms the service invocation request into a normapzed message.第9步:连接第一个JBI环境的BC将把服务调用请求转换成规范化消息。

10.This allows atomic actions to be performed as part of a JBI Exchange.这使得原子活动能够作为JBI交换的一部分被执行。