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网络释义:犹太社区中心(Jewish Community Center);雅加达会议中心(Jakarta Convention Center)


abbr.1.Jewish Community Center

1.犹太社区中心(Jewish Community Center),我就不指望了。。 有几个mm和我推荐JCC(Jewish community center),squiril hill有一个,south side有一个,搂主mm可 …

2.雅加达会议中心(Jakarta Convention Center)  1月28日晚,在雅加达会议中心JCC),经济统筹部长哈达(Hatta Rajasa)说:发展电动车制造业是其中节俭使用的燃油(B…


1.Let us now have a look at the body of a JCC trace and try to piece together some key elements.现在让我们来看看JCC跟踪的主体,并试着将一些关键的元素拼接起来。

2.We spit out the buffers of a DRDA trace and put them into the actual JCC trace; after all, JCC uses DRDA to communicate with the server.我们从DRDA跟踪中获取缓冲区,然后将它们放入实际的JCC跟踪中。别忘了,JCC使用DRDA来与服务器进行通信。

3.The next phase of the JCC product is to define these error codes with an SQLSTATE and SQLCODE.下一阶段的JCC产品将用SQLSTATE和SQLCODE来定义这些错误代码。

4.With the new JDBC universal driver, we will try to understand how exactly to take the JCC trace and what is needed to take the JCC trace.对于新的JDBC通用驱动程序,我们将讲解如何进行JCC跟踪,以及进行JCC跟踪时需要些什么。

5.Since the JCC specification is built on top of the DRDA protocol, we embed the DRDA buffers in the JCC trace.由于JCC规范是建立在DRDA协议之上的,我们将DRDA缓冲区嵌入在JCC跟踪中。

6.There are a couple of different ways to implement the JCC trace, which are discussed in detail in the next couple of sections.JCC跟踪的实现有两种不同的方式,在接下来的两节中将详细讨论这两种方式。

7.Whenever you run into any type of problem using the JCC driver, the typical response for further diagnosis is to take a JCC trace.在使用JCC驱动程序时,无论碰到何种类型的问题,为了作进一步的诊断,通常的做法是进行一个JCC跟踪。

8.There is only a handful of DB2 Universal Driver error codes issued by the JCC driver.JCC驱动程序只能发出少数几种DB2通用驱动程序错误代码。

9.By setting the property value as false (db2. jcc. sqljToolsExitJVMOnCompletion=false), you can achieve that as well.通过将属性值设为false(db2.jcc.sqljToolsExitJVMOnCompletion=false),可以实现同样的操作。

10.For the Plan field, specify the relevant plan file based on your choice of driver archives (JCC or JDBC).在Plan字段中,指定与所选驱动程序存档(JCC或JDBC)相关的计划文件。