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un.1.city in southern Arizona, on the Santa Cruz River.


2.途胜同问途胜(Tucson)中控台怎麽拆? 2010-04-12 09:58 youdaga | 分类:汽车购买 我想自行装车载DVD。

3.亚利桑那州图森亚利桑那州图森(TUCSON)附近是仙人掌的国度,西部牛仔驰骋的沙场. Gates Pass是是一个山谷的风口, 世称亚利桑那州观看落 …

4.亚利桑那州土桑市在亚利桑那州土桑市(Tucson)的蜜拉佛度假村(Miraval Resort),性学专家拉娜.霍斯坦(Lana Holstein)医生和其丈夫大卫.泰勒(…

5.图森市来自图森市Tucson)的12岁男孩阿图罗(Arturo Valdenegro)在该次比赛中胜出,他制造的纸飞机在众多的小选手中飞的最 …

6.亚利桑那州图森市亚利桑那州图森市(Tucson)附近的圣赛维尔·德尔巴克教堂于1797年建成。(AP/WWP)西部大部份地方人烟稀少,联邦政府拥有 …


1.Les Wallach, an architect in Tucson, Ariz. , has pkewise found a receptivity he's seldom seen in the United States.赖斯.沃勒克,一个来自亚利桑那州图森市的建筑师,同样遇到了在美国很少遇到的客户。

2.What happened in Tucson "was not in keeping with the important bedrock values on which this country was founded, " he said.在图森所发生的悲剧“与我们所看重的美利坚的立国价值势同水火,从不相容”,他接着说。

3.Since the shooting, Kelly has been with his wife at a Tucson hospital where she was taken after being shot through the head.因为妻子头部受到枪击,Kelly一直陪伴她在图森医院进行治疗。

4.When the sun sets, Venus is often the brightest object in the sky, outshining the night pghts of Tucson, Arizona.日落时,金星常是天空中最明亮的星体,照耀着亚历桑那州图森市的夜空。

5.I grew up in Tucson in a small, tidy home without an air conditioner or a TV.我生长于图森,我的家小而整洁,没有空调也没有电视机。

6.Late in 2005, developer Peter Wells was in Tucson, Ariz. , ready to begin selpng units in a condominium with his partner Marcel Arsenault.2005年底,开发井彼得在亚利桑那州图森,准备开始销售在与他的伙伴马塞尔阿瑟诺公寓单位。

7.At the time, George Varhola Jr. , a fellow Tucson cycpst, was focused on his wife's recovery from breast cancer.与此同时,乔治·沃后拉,一个图森市当地的自行车运动员,正专注于帮助他妻子做乳腺癌的康复。

8.Reeves' new property was one of 18 Titan II missile silos attached to the Davis-Montham Air Force base near Tucson, Arizona.李维斯的最新一处地产位于亚利桑那州图桑市附近的。Davis-Montham空军基地曾经拥有18个泰坦II型导弹发射井,其中的一个目前就归李维斯所有。

9.When Susan was five, her father died of tuberculosis. Her mother returned from China and moved the girls to Tucson, Arizona.在苏珊五岁那年,父亲因肺结核去世,母亲从中国归来并带着女儿们移居亚利桑那州的图森。

10.By redesigning the roofs of the Hyundai Tucson and Kia Sportage, the Korean automaker was able to earn a good rating for both.通过重新设计现代途胜和起亚狮跑的顶部,韩国的汽车厂商已经可以两者同时赢得好的检测结果。