


英文单词:Java Email Server


1.Java Email ServerC# Mail Server 是 Java Email Server (JES) 的 C# 移植版本。 更多CSharp 邮件服务器信息 邮件服务器 XMail Server Lite XMai…


1.Jes Staley was put in charge of the investment bank, positioning him as the front-runner for the CEO job.斯特利(JesStaley)被任命为投资银行部门负责人,这样他就成了首席执行长职位的最热门人选。

2.She said, "You gonna stay? " I said, "Yeah, I jes might. "她说,“你会留下么?”我说,“是的,我会的。”

3.JES: You can think of a DSL as a means to communicate an idea or a concept in its own specific terms.JES:你可以将DSL理解为采用专门术语实现想法和概念交流的工具。

4.This puts an entry into the Tasks pane, displaying the JES number of the submitted job as shown in Figure 39.这会在Tasks窗格中放一个项,显示提交的作业的JES号,如图39所示。

5."We need to put more capital, systems and people in emerging markets, " says Jes Staley, the head of JPMorgan's investment bank.摩根大通投行业务主管杰斯•斯特利(JesStaley)表示:“我们需要向新兴市场投入更多资本、物力和人力。”

6.Seems lak to me de day's jes twice as long.白天对我似乎就像两倍一样长。

7.A: When you get to know someone, jes' kind of ask, slow and natural like, where a strong nigger can get work.在你一认识某人时,就要慢而自然地问,说一个强壮的黑人在什麽地方能找到工作。

8.Jes T. Kirk begins historic five-remission on Enterprise.寇克开始历史上著名的企业号五年任务。

9.Jes Forwarder Guide and Forms .右及金怡展品运输须知及表格
