


美式发音: ['fɒl] 英式发音: ['fɒl]

英文单词:Front OF Line; 叶酸(folate); 一阶逻辑(first-order logic)


abbr.1.Federation of Labour

1.Front OF LineRail Packing Shipping 组装 Front OF Line (FOL) 芯片 Die Ink Die Lead Frame Flux Epoxy 色点芯片 引线框 助焊剂 导电胶 …

2.叶酸(folate) FOL/VitB12 叶酸/维生素B12(进口分装) FOL 叶酸 Anti-DNA (定量)脱氧核糖核 …

3.一阶逻辑(first-order logic) CAMEL 移动网定制应用增强逻辑 FOL 光纤激光器 ESTA 地球科学技术协会[美] ...

6.前道(Front-End-of-the-Line) moonknight( 月亮骑士) FOL( 东边日出西边雨) cboxdm( 注意站内信息) ...


1.FoL: Yet we do not laugh AT you . . . we shall only enjoy the vibration of that laughter WITH you.我们也完全不会笑话你们…我们将只享受于这种与你们一起欢笑的振动中。

2.FoL: In it's simplistic form we would elaborate by telling you that all that lies within your heart is of LOVE.这是把简单复杂化了,我们想深入告诉你们的一切就是,所有一切都已经存在于你们的内心中了,就是【爱】。

3.Old French picked this up and the word appeared as a Middle English word fol whose earliest written record appears in 1225.古法语借鉴了这个词,而它最早出现在中世纪英语书面记录的时间是1225年。

4.so in place of a fight there was a feast, and plenty of pleasant palaver and fol-de-rol.所以这场战斗变成了一场盛宴,双方说了许多互相奉承的好话和一堆来回来去的车轱辘话。

5.FoL: What is the point of any experiment?所有实验的目的是什么?

6.Fol: We thank you for your blatant honesty.我们感谢你,对你的诚实。

7.FoL: Yet what was it that you wrote ?但是这是你想要写的么?

8.to bring under dominion, rule, or authority, as of a conqueror or a governing power (usually fol. by to).置于管辖,统治,或者威权之下,例如在一个征服者或者一个统治力量之下(通常后跟to)--霍霍,我喜欢。

9.FoL: Trusting that by 'acknowledging' this intention that it is therefore taken care of.通过【确认】这个意图,去信任那些需要被很好照顾的想法。

10.Although good results were found concerning treatment, long-term fol. low-up is necessary.虽然我们的报导显示很好的结果,但是长期追踪是必须的。