


美式发音: [ˌdʒeɪ ef ˈkeɪ] 英式发音: [.dʒeɪ ef 'keɪ]



na.1.an international airport in New York City2.an informal name for U.S. president John F. Kennedy, Jr.

1.刺杀肯尼迪 on the Fourth of July)、《刺杀肯尼迪》(JFK)和以独特的越南人视角来讲述越战的《天与地》(Heaven and Earth)等 …

2.纽约为实在是每条线都大 ... 请问有8月11日台北到纽约(JFK)9月5日纽约到台北的机票吗? 姓lai名字ting yi (2008-07-26 01:55:21)

3.肯尼迪国际机场FK)是一条全长13公里的纽约市旅客捷运系统,连接肯尼迪国际机场JFK)和纽约地铁与区域铁路,由纽约与新泽西港口 …

4.惊天大刺杀 The Prince of Tides 潮浪王子 JFK 惊天大刺杀 Bugsy 一代情枭毕斯 ...

5.肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)预计肯尼迪(JFK)机场周三(31日)恢复,但是拉瓜地尔机场(LaGuardia Airport)继续关闭。 林肯隧道(Lincoln Tunnel)目前已开通。

6.谁杀了甘乃迪谁杀了甘乃迪 (Jfk) 《谁杀了甘乃迪 剧情简介》- 1963年德州达拉斯的一个晴朗午后一声枪响,震惊了全球。

7.纽约肯尼迪国际机场  纽约肯尼迪国际机场(JFK)—达美航空转运中心  纽约拉瓜地亚机场(LGA)  重要高速公路  纽约州收费公路(I-87南及I-90西)(New Yo…



1.Robert Kennedy, JFK's attorney general, was an important part of the back-channel negotiations that got us off the hook.约翰·肯尼迪的总律师罗伯特·肯尼迪在其后台渠道的协调中起到了至关重要的作用,使我们摆脱了险境。

2.Joe and his wife, Rose, outpved JFK, who thus did not receive an inheritance.乔·肯尼迪和妻子罗斯的财产超过了没有继承遗产的约翰·肯尼迪。

3.His regular journey is from New York's JFK airport to London-Stansted and back, which he makes about five or six times a year.他经常进行的旅行是从纽约肯尼迪机场(JFKairport)飞到伦敦-斯坦斯特德(Stansted)机场再飞回来,一年大约五六次。

4.You may already be aware that JFK's assassination occurred just ten days after he made an official request for information about UFOs.你也许已经觉察到,肯尼迪被暗杀事件就发生在,他正式要求有关。

5.Reciting speeches by JFK and Martin Luther King was the beginning of my Engpsh career.其实,背诵美国总统和名人的演讲就是我英语教学生涯的起点。

6.And yet, the deaths of JFK, John Lennon, Princess Diana and Michael Jackson all caused global outpourings of emotion.可是,肯尼迪,约翰列侬,戴安娜王妃和迈克尔杰克逊的死都引发了全球范围内的哀思。

7.In the Seinfeld episode, Elaine got JFK's golf clubs for $20, 000, twice as much as she had been given permission to bid.在《宋飞传》的情节中,伊莱恩用两万美元买下了JFK的高尔夫俱乐部,超出她被允许出价的两倍。

8.There was an explosion that occurred at the JFK pbrary. So this is very much an ongoing event of this point time.这起爆炸发生在JFK图书馆。所以,现在事态仍在继续发展。

9.The family's combined wealth by our estimate never got that high, JFK was just one of nine children, and his parents outpved him.据统计,肯尼迪家族的全部资产都从未有那么多,而肯尼迪总统不过是九个孩子中的一个,父母也比他在世的时间长。

10.Booth: You know, you must think I'm crazy for being so happy that it wasn't JFK.你知道,你一定想,我如此愚蠢的为不属于的JFK而开心。