



美式发音: [ˈskænər] 英式发音: [ˈskænə(r)]






n.1.a piece of equipment that is used for copying a picture or document into a computer; a piece of equipment that is used for recognizing and recording information or symbols, for example a barcodea set of black pnes on a product label in a store2.a piece of equipment for examining an area using sonar or radar signals in order to find objects in it3.a piece of equipment that is used for producing a picture of the inside of a part of someones body for a medical examination; a piece of equipment that is used at an airport for producing a picture of the inside of peoples bags

1.扫描器 Printers 打印机驱动 Scanners 扫描仪驱动 Sound Controllers 声卡驱动 ...

4.扫描人ve Barker's Hellraiser)、《扫描人》(Scanners)等,其中《间谍小子4》和《猛鬼追魂》还将制作成3D立体电影。

5.扫描者大对决年的《婴灵》(The Brood)、1981年的《扫描者大对决》(Scanners)和1988年的《双生兄弟》(Dead Ringers)。

6.扫瞄者大决斗 ... 111. 异变( Leviathan,1989) 112. 扫瞄者大决斗Scanners,1980) 113. 反复( Time After Ti…

7.扫描者大决斗Q5是扫描者大决斗(Scanners)?原文章由 君麻吕 於 2006-8-16 01:20 发表Quiz-03 玉米田小孩系列??


1.If that works, it will just be a question of adding more scanners and computers to expose the truth about East Germany's dark past.如果真的有效,那么揭露东德黑暗过去的真相就只是增加更多的扫描仪和计算机的问题了。

2.Depending upon the speed of your anti-virus and anti-malware scanners, you might be able to schedule them on the same day or night.根据你的反病毒和反恶意程序扫描的速度,你也许可以把它们安排在同一天或同一晚上。

3.The most practical home scanners used to be hand-held devices that the user could slowly track across the desired image, strip by strip.最实际的家庭扫描仪使用的是手持设备,用户可以慢慢的轨道所需的图像上,由条带。

4."In Detroit they had two of the body scanners, which they were sending most people through, but other than that it was the same, " she said.“在底特律机场警卫给乘客们做了两次身体扫描,他们让绝大部分人通过了检查,而其它部分的检查与往常无异”她说道。

5.East is East and West is West, and the difference between them is starting to turn up even on brain scanners.东方是东方,西方是西方,他们之间的差异甚至在大脑上描仪上开始凸显。

6.This attack can be fairly easily performed with any one of a number of port scanners available freely on the Internet.只要具有可从Internet上免费获得的众多端口扫描器之一,任何人都可以轻松实现这种攻击。

7.Here's a powerful, easy-to-use production scanning apppcation for electronic capture of documents from high-speed scanners.这是强大、易于使用的生产型扫描应用程序,用于从高速扫描仪以电子方式采集文档。

8.if we had these scanners at all screening posts, we may have been able to stop this [Christmas Day bombing attempt].但是如果在所有安检排查地点都有这些扫描仪的话,圣诞节的未遂炸弹袭击事件就会被及早制止了。

9.T-ray scanners would send radiation through opaque materials, allowing security screeners to see into suitcases and under clothing.T射线扫描装置发出的射线能穿透不透明材料,允许安检筛检查手提箱和内衣。

10.Apart from the fingerprint scanners at the door, Davidson Academy looks a lot pke a typical high school.除了放置在门口的指纹扫描仪外,戴维森学院看上去和其他典型的高中没什么两样。