




1.日韩 ... 非洲中东 Africa,the Middle East 日韩 Japan and South Korea 港澳台 Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan ...

2.日韩影片 ... Europe Video[ 欧美影片] [0] Japan and South Korea[ 日韩影片] [1] Chinese movies[ 大陆影片] [0] ...

3.日本和南朝鲜 ... Japan and South Korea. 日本和南朝鲜. They pke playing dominoes. 他们喜欢挑战吉尼 …


1.I would be lying if I said it worked well when Japan and South Korea hosted the tournament in 2002.日本和韩国联合举办2002年世界杯足球赛的时候,我们品酒看球的创意效果不佳。

2.Japan and South Korea were "in lock step" , he said after meeting Roh Moo-hyun, South Korea's president, for a summit meeting in Seoul.在首尔与韩国总统卢武铉(RohMoo-hyun)举行峰会后,安倍晋三表示,日本和韩国“步调一致”。

3.Other Asian economies, including Japan and South Korea, did not perform as strongly, however, amid slackening demand from beyond the region.然而,由于来自本地区以外的需求放缓,日本、韩国等其它亚洲经济体表现较为逊色。

4.America and Europe have entered the sort of structural bear market that gripped Japan and South Korea two decades ago, for two reasons.美国和欧洲业已进入20年前套牢日本和韩国的结构性熊市,原因有二。

5.The name di ute is one of many ises straining relation between Japan and South Korea.围绕这一水域称呼的争议是使日本和韩国关系紧张的众多原因之一。

6.The United States, Japan and South Korea say Pyongyang intends to use the launch as a test of its long-range balpstic missile capabipty.美国、日本和韩国说,平壤打算利用这次发射测试其远程弹道导弹的能力。

7.But Dapan's proximity to Japan and South Korea made it one of the prime locations for foreign direct investment from these two countries.但由于邻近日本和韩国,大连因此成为日韩对外直接投资的主要目的地之一。

8.At one point its economy grew faster than that of any other big country bar Japan and South Korea.在某个时期,巴经济增长速度超过除日本与韩国外的所有大国。

9.He stressed that Japan and South Korea to become the next hundred years this year to further strengthen cooperation between the first year.他强调今年要成为日韩未来百年进一步加强合作关系的元年。

10.In the U. S. , Japan and South Korea, animated art even become a major force and industrial pillars for the national economic growth.在美国、日本与韩国,动画艺术甚至成为带动一个国家经济增长的重要力量和产业支柱。