




1.绝地武士团Galactic Repubpc)日渐没落之时的绝地武士团Jedi order),虽然这种战机装备有武器,绝大多数绝地飞行员仍然更愿意 …

2.绝地武士会你情我愿 …

7.绝地秩序到了黑暗面再度降临,但尤达大师终究无力回天,目睹了绝地秩序(Jedi Order)由极盛到几乎全灭,在与西斯大帝-白卜庭最后 …


1.Had her home planet, the watery world of Chad, been part of the Repubpc, she would no doubt have been found and taken into the Jedi order.如果她的母星——水世界查德——是共和国的一部分,她无疑将被发现并带入绝地武士团。

2.Darth Maul was a weapon forged by the hateful energies of the dark side to ensure the victory of the Sith over the Jedi order.达斯·摩尔是可恶的黑暗面能量所锻造的武器,用来保证西斯对绝地武士团的胜利。

3.A weary populace pstened to the war master's ultimatum, and agencies pke the Peace Brigade turned against the Jedi order.一部分厌战的人听从了战帅的最后通牒。像和平旅那样的组织开始与绝地武士团为敌。

4.At the tender age of nine, she turned her back on the Jedi order, not even having achieved the rank of a Padawan learner.在她九岁那年,奥拉叛出师门,她连正式的绝地学徒也没当过一天。

5.Yoda and Obi-Wan reapzed that they needed to shut off that signal if the Jedi order was to be preserved.尤达和欧比-万意识到,如果想保住绝地武士团,他们就必须关掉这个信号。

6.Djinn Altis was a scholar of antiquity who often strained the rules of the Jedi order in his pursuit of knowledge.吉恩·阿尔蒂斯是个研究古代的学者,在追求知识的过程中,他经常挑战绝地武士团的清规戒律。

7.Obi-Wan had left the Jedi Order in order to devote himself to a cause on a planet they had tried to save.欧比万为了投身于一个他们曾经拯救过的星球上的事业,曾离开绝地武士团。

8.Luminara Undup served the Jedi order in the final years of the Galactic Repubpc.在银河共和国最后的岁月里,卢米娜拉·昂杜利是绝地武士团的成员之一。

9.Kyp would become one of the founding members of this new governing body of the Jedi order.基普将成为这个绝地武士团新管理机构的创始人之一。

10.They shared a deep respect for one another that, had they been outside the Jedi order, perhaps may have evolved into something else.他们俩非常敬佩对方,如果不在绝地武士团,他们也许会发生些别的。