


网络释义:即墨市;工业与管理最优化杂志(Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization);木星冰月轨道器(Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter)


1.即墨市 jiaozhou 胶州市 jimo 即墨市 jiaonan 胶南市 ...

2.工业与管理最优化杂志(Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization) breakdowns and repairs, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization (JIMO), Volume 7, No.3, 655-676, August 201…

3.木星冰月轨道器(Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter) 已售:13 JIMO 1.8 ...

6.寂寞啊 ... 额撒布( e sabu) 寂寞啊( jimo a) 爱卡徒( ai katu) ...


1.Jim O'Neill, the Goldman Sachs economist and "Brics" guru, caused a stir last week when he said "something is brewing in Beijing" .高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家、“金砖四国”权威吉姆?奥尼尔(JimO’Neill)上周表示,“北京正在酝酿着什么”。此言引起了轰动。

2.Jimo Responding to the report, had passed through technical means to delete the paragraph video, and began to investigate the source of MMS.即墨警方接报后,已通过技术手段将该段视频删除,并开始着手调查彩信的来源。

3.The Company locates in Jimo Xiaohan Cun Industrial Zone, Qingdao, Shandong Province, China.公司位于中国山东青岛市即墨市小韩村工业园。

4.Qingdao Dahua Agricultural Means of Production Co. , Ltd. at Jimo development zone Qingdao Shandong.青岛大华农资有限公司位于山东青岛市即墨开发区。

5.In Shanghai, the Qingdao Jimo has the subsidiary company respectively, in the province each region has the office.在上海,青岛即墨各有分公司,省内各地有办事处。

6.Has 10 years of history in the Jimo mattress industry has a certain reputation.已有十多年的历史在即墨市床垫行业有一定的知名度。

7.Jim O'Neill, chief economist at Goldman Sachs, who coined the Bric acronym in 2001, insists that his creation is not past its sell-by date.2001年发明Brics一词的高盛(GoldmanSachs)首席经济学家吉姆•奥尼尔(JimO’Neill)坚称,他的发明还没过销售期限。

8.Qingdao gold US comes the textile assistant Limited company located at the beautiful coast city Qingdao Jimo, the area 33000 square meters.青岛金美来纺织助剂有限公司位于美丽的海滨城市青岛即墨,占地面积33000平方米。

9.The acronym was first used in print by Jim O'Neill of Goldman Sachs a decade ago this week.BRIC这一首字母缩写词,十年前首次被高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)经济学家JimO’Neill采用。

10.Currently, the two suspects involved in Chen and Xu, Jimo, popce have been under criminal detention according to law.目前,涉案的两名犯罪嫌疑人陈某和徐某已被即墨警方依法刑事拘留。