


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈrʌn] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvəˈrʌn]




过去式:overran  现在分词:overrunning  第三人称单数:overruns  同义词





1.[t][oftpass]~ sth泛滥;横行;肆虐to fill or spread over an area quickly, especially in large numbers

The house was completely overrun with mice.这房子简直成了老鼠的天下。

Enemy soldiers had overrun the island.敌军士兵侵占了该岛。

2.[i][t]多用(时间、钱财等);超时to take more time or money than was intended

Her lectures never overrun.她讲课从不拖堂。

You've overrun your time by 10 minutes.你超时 10 分钟了。



v.1.to take more time, space, or money than was intended2.to defeat an enemy in war and take the land that they control3.to be present in a place in such large amounts or numbers that it is dangerous or unpleasant

n.1.an amount of time or money that is more than was planned or intended

1.泛滥成灾 overridden 蹂躏;压倒;拒绝 overrun 泛滥成灾;超出限 度 overran 泛滥;蔓延 ...

2.蔓延 overrule vt. 否决,驳回 overrun vt. 蔓延;超越范围 oversee vt. 监督,监管 ...

3.膨胀率 overlay 饰片 overrun 超过 package 包,包裹 ...

5.横行 2 Pithing Needle 穿髓金针 3 Overrun 横行 3 Eldrazi Monument 奥札奇纪念碑 ...

6.超支 overpayment of contribution 多缴供款 overrun 超支 overrun cost 超额费用 ...


1.Even Lisbon is really only overrun with tourists in August and Easter weekend when most of Spain seems to have crossed the border.即使里斯本实在是在8月游客和复活节周末在西班牙的大部分只越位似乎已经越过边界。

2.I can't go and take a hike through the trees to see how badly it had been overrun by the growing brushes.我无法徒步穿过那片树林,看它已经被一直生长蔓延着的灌木丛弄得如何糟糕。

3.By sending a malformed request, it is possible to carry out a buffer overrun attack against an affected system.通过发送不良请求,恶意用户可能会对受影响的系统发动缓冲区溢出攻击。

4.Who's not going to be overrun by an infinite number of other beings -- if you're different from all the other beings?谁能不被无数其他存在物所侵占--如果你和所有其他存在物都不同的话?

5.It is possible that the brave people of Poland may be overrun in a few months.几个月后,勇敢的波兰人民也许就会遭人蹂躏。

6.Mounted with large and heavy guns, it was one of the few tanks that didn't have treads, and was designed to overrun any obstacle.安装了大型重型枪械,这是极少没有踏板的坦克之一,而且可以跨过任何障碍。

7.The family moved out of Adhamiya, a neighborhood that was becoming overrun with Sunni insurgents, and his mother remarried.这个家庭从阿德哈米亚搬了出来,该地区已经被逊尼派叛军占领,他的妈妈随之也改嫁了。

8.Smoke billowed from a shopping center overrun by the insurgents just a few yards from the presidential palace.距总统府仅数米之遥的购物中心被武装分子占领,浓烟如巨浪般翻涌而出。

9.I'm tempted to go on and say something about being overrun by barbarians in the grip of an obscurantist faith, but I guess I won't.我真想探究并说道说道那些被蒙昧思想束缚住的蛮人泛滥了的事,但我想我不会。

10.But, overrun by its enemies, starving, and with the ideology of democracy itself in question, the Athenians took a more fundamentapst view.但当受到敌人侵略,饥饿,并且对民主本身产生质疑的时候,雅典则以更基础的眼光看待这些问题。