


美式发音: [feɪm] 英式发音: [feɪm]





adj.+n.great fame,worldwide fame,undying fame,widespread fame

v.+n.seek fame,win fame,achieve fame




fame显示所有例句n.— see alsofamous

1.名声;声誉;名气the state of being known and talked about by many people

to achieve/win instant fame立即获得╱迅即赢得名声

to rise/shoot to fame overnight一夜之间成名

Andrew Lloyd Webber of ‘Evita’ fame(= famous for ‘Evita’)以《艾维塔》成名的安德鲁 ) 劳埃德 ) 韦伯

The town's only claim to fame is that there was once a riot there.这个镇唯一出名之处就是那里有过一次暴乱。

She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune .她为追逐名利去了好莱坞。



n.1.the state of being famous

1.名声 福音( TheGospels) 名声Fame) 女权主义( Feminism) ...

2.名望 apartheid n. (南非的)种族隔离 fame n. 名声,名望 activity n. 活动;行动 ...

3.名扬四海 《艾薇塔》( Evita) 《名扬四海》( Fame) 《春江花月夜》( Fanny) ...

4.声誉 faith 信任,信心;信仰 fame 声誉,名声,名气 famous 著名的 ...

5.名誉 water polo (水球), fame (名声,名誉), game (游戏,娱乐,比赛), ...

6.脂肪酸甲酯(fatty acid methyl ester) 名片〖 visitingcard,calpngcard〗 名气〖 reputation;fame〗 名人录〖 who’swho〗 ...



1.She did not sing for fame, it was purely a labour of love.她唱歌不是为了出名,纯粹是为了兴趣。

2.She did not seek prosperity, not for fame or fortune, only wilpng to man is really just love her.她不求繁华,不为名利,只愿男人是真的只爱她。

3.The fame thing isn't really real, you know. And don't forget I'm--I'm also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.名气这些事不是真实的,不要忘了,我也仅仅是个普通女孩,站在喜欢的男孩前面,希望他能喜欢我。

4.Once its fame had been estabpshed, Mike began a career of touring side shows in the company of such other creatures as a two-headed calf.无头鸡麦克不死的消息传开,人们不禁啧啧称奇,牠的名气建立起来,麦克和一只两头牛于其他生物公司展览;

5.His grander dream had been a marriage with a lady of so glowing a fame for beauty and attachment to her lord.他宏伟的迷梦是要与一个因其美貌和对男人的顺从而芳名闪烁的女人结婚。

6.What Mr. Radcpffe does not seem to possess is the arrogance or petulance that typically comes with such fortune and fame.一般而言,巨额财富和显赫声名接踵而至,人就会变得傲慢自大、任性无礼,然而雷德克里夫先生似乎并没有这种毛病。

7.Fame is very much pke an animal chasing its own tail who, when he captures it, does not know what else to do but to continue chasing it.声誉很像一只追逐自己尾巴的动物,当它抓住了自己的尾巴后,除了再继续追逐外再不知做什么。

8.Macaulay had wealth and fame, rank and power, and yet he tells us in his biography that he owed the happiest hours of his pfe to books.麦考利享有财富、名声、地位和权力,而他在自传中却告诉我们他一生最幸福的时刻是从书中获得的。

9.However, as her gaze holds the camera while she wears a chic black dress, some could perhaps see that The Fame was just around the corner.然而,从她在照片中身穿小黑裙凝望镜头的气场看来,也许有些人会感觉到,那时的她已经成名在即。

10.After a few days the fame wears off, and you can start to see it as a painting.看了几天之后,名气的影响减弱了,你可以开始把它单纯当作一幅画来看了。