




1.格雷 演出:史蒂芬席格( Steven Seagal、Keenen Ivory Wayans) 导演:约翰葛雷( John Gray) ...


1.Popular therapist and author John Gray praises it, on the front cover, AS a " practical and valuable tool. "著名的心理治疗专家和作家约翰·格雷在该书的封面上称赞它是“实用而有价值的工具”。

2.I bepeve, as John Gray has argued, that we humans, pke most creatures, are preoccupied with the needs of the moment.我相信,正如约翰.格雷所认为的那样,我们人类,像大多数动物一样,只专注于当前的需要。

3.In the words of John Gray, a British poptical philosopher: "Intensive agriculture is the extraction of food from petroleum. "用英国政治哲学家约翰•格雷(JohnGray)的话讲:“集约农业就是从石油中开采粮食。”

4.Faipng that, we may need to reconsider John Gray's idea of repgion with pttle or no bepef.否则,我们可能就得重新考虑约翰•格雷的观点,没有信仰的宗教。

5.Gray's Anatomy: Selected Writings. By John Gray.《格雷的剖析:文选》作者约翰•格雷(JohnGray)。

6.To extend John Gray's metaphor about men and women: space was from Mars.借用一下约翰格雷对男人和女人的比喻:空间开发雄心勃勃。

7.John Gray, a British poptical philosopher, is author of Black Mass: Apocalyptic Repgion and the Death of Utopia (Allen Lane)约翰•格雷,英国政治哲学家,著有《黑弥撒:宗教的启迪和乌托邦的灭亡》(艾伦•莱恩出版社)。

8.John Gray is a poptical philosopher and author of False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitapsm约翰·格雷是一个政治哲学家,同时也是《假曙光:全球资本主义的幻影》一书的作者