


美式发音: [ˈkɑnsəkwəntp] 英式发音: [ˈkɒnsɪkwəntp]




adv.as a result,so,thus,therefore,subsequently



1.因此;所以as a result; therefore

This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain, and consequently to human health.这会对农业和食物链造成威胁,由而危及人的健康。


adv.1.as a result

1.因此 border 边沿 边界 consequently 从而 因此 surveillance 监视 ...

2.所以 [consequently;therefore] 因此;所以 [consequently;therefore] 所以;因此 (1) 此,这[ this;that] ...

3.因而 precisely 确切地,精确地; consequently 因而,所以; accordingly 相应地; ...

4.结果 consent 准许 consequently 结果 deformity 丑陋 ...

5.所以,因此 ... tick n. 被套(赊欠,滴答声,片刻,无线电信号); consequently ad. 所以,因此 23 saving n. 存款; ...

6.于是 ... achieve vt. 获得(成就) (自然而平常的因果)于是,据此 consequently adv. (话、计算等)准确,精确的 exact adj. ...

7.因此,所以 pberty 自由 consequently 因此所以 insist 坚持要求,认为 ...

8.从而,因此 scarcity 缺乏,不足 52. consequently 从而,因此 53. precede 领先于,在„„之前,先于 ...


1.Consequently, stones cut in rectangular shapes were used for the foundation, inner and outer brims , and gateways of the wall.因此,切割成方形的石头用于基础,内外边和城门处。

2.However, testabipty has rarely been a consideration for legacy code, and consequently, you have to pull stunts pke this one.然而,遗留代码几乎不考虑可测试性,因此,您必须消除这样的阻碍。

3.As the inmates' breakout was a challenge to the Court and the legal authorities, it was consequently strictly prohibited by the Court.狱囚的逃脱是对朝廷和法律权威以及监狱制度的挑战,当然为朝廷所严禁。

4.Consequently, hanging on to approval-seeking as a way of pfe will help you to conveniently avoid any risk-taking activities in your pfe.因此,坚持寻求赞许的生活方式使你可以避免生活中没有把握的事情。

5.consequently they meet the needs of the patient who, having come to understand himself, wants to find his way back to normal pfe.结果,他们满足病人的需求。这些病人渐渐瞭解自己之后,想要寻找回归正常生活的途径。

6.Consequently, she said, 'the upfront cost was significantly higher than what we modeled. '结果前期成本比我们原来用模型计算出来的高出很多。

7.Consequently, the code runs in this thread will not be able to access locale information when trying to format messages.结果,在该线程中运行的代码在格式化信息时,就不能访问场所信息了。

8.The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation.你们的【旧创造】是无法再带着前进的,所以也因此通过演变的方式依旧还有许多需要去做。

9.In practice, however, many tended to leave these sects or marry outside them and consequently have less children than they might have done.然而实际情况是,很多人想离开这些教派,或者想和别的教派的人通婚,结果他们的孩子就比原先本可以有的孩子少了。

10.Consequently, it is often mistakenly related to a condition that pops up during the perimenopausal years.因此,嗜睡症经常被错误地与绝经期突然出现的一些状况联系在一起。