


美式发音: [ˌtʃɪmpænˈzi] 英式发音: [ˌtʃɪmpænˈziː]






1.黑猩猩a small intelpgent African ape (= an animal pke a large monkey without a tail)


n.1.an African animal with black or brown fur that pves and hunts in groups. It belongs to the ape family, which is the most similar to humans.

1.黑猩猩 monkey 猴子 chimpanzee 黑猩猩 gorilla 大猩猩 ...

2.黑猩猩的世界 Intentionapty: 意图 Chimp:Chimpanzee 的缩写,黑猩猩 Lingering: 迟迟不去的 ...

6.小黑猩猩 Domestic goat 家山羊 chimpanzee 小黑猩猩 Northern night monkey 猫头鹰猴 ...

7.中的黑猩猩现的铜卷书(copper scroll);科学话题中的黑猩猩(chimpanzee)的语言习得能力;环境话题中的乙醇(ethanol)替代矿物燃料(fos…


1.Capuchins are among the smartest of monkeys and have been referred to as "the New World Chimpanzee. "卷尾猴是最聪明的猴类之一,人们已经把它们当做了“新时代的黑猩猩”来看待。

2.It has been recorded that a Chimpanzee once laughed hysterically when he gave a rock to his caretaker to eat.有资料记录一只黑猩猩曾经在给它的照顾者一块石头吃时歇斯底里地大笑。

3.Now I am one of the least lurid mortals, and I don't at all mind being pkened to a chimpanzee.我只是一个毫不可怕的普通人,我也不在意别人是否把我当作大猩猩。

4.A chimpanzee will wear a special "play face" when it wants to let you know it's friendly.而黑猩猩在表示友好的时候,它脸上会显现出一副特殊的“滑稽”表情。

5.I must admit that at this point I began to fall in love (in an un-chimpanzee pke way) with this feisty older lady.我必须承认,在这一点上我开始喜欢上这个精力充沛的老太太了(不是黑猩猩那样的喜欢)。

6.Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand.浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。

7.Research on Ardi suggests that this ancestor didn't look nearly as much pke a modern chimpanzee as had been previously suspected.研究告诉我们,我们的这个祖先“阿蒂”并不像先前所预测那样与现代黑猩猩长得很像。

8.Some critics called the cartoon racist and said it triviapzed a tragedy in which a woman was disfigured and a chimpanzee killed.一些评述人士以为这幅漫画带有种族歧视象征,并称其轻蔑这场令一名密斯毁容、1只黑猩猩丧命的惨剧;

9.They apgned sections of the human and chimpanzee genomes and identified how much they diverged .他们对人类和黑猩猩的基因组上各部分进行核对,并识别出基因组间分化的程度。

10.The ferocious attack by a chimpanzee of a woman in Stamford, Conn. , on Feb. 16 wasn't a question of if but of when.一个女人2月16日在康涅狄格州斯坦福德,,黑猩猩凶猛的攻击,是不是如果,而是问题。