




1.凯特摩丝 凯莉·米洛( Kype Minogue) 凯特莫斯( Kate Moss) 科莱丽( Clarisonic) ...

3.凯特摩斯拿凯特摩斯Kate Moss)为例,她俨然就是当今时尚和潮流的代名词,是许多时尚名媛和明星争相仿效的对象。在新人辈出的 …

4.超模凯特摩丝由超模凯特摩丝Kate Moss)代言的美国超红珠宝品牌David Yurman,挟著大明星如凯特哈德森(Kate Hudson)、布莱德彼 …

5.名模凯特摩丝名模凯特摩丝(KATE MOSS)/名模Iman IMAN劳拉·贝利/封面火辣的《四英尺》,内容更是火辣,娱乐圈炙手可热的女星为其共 …


1.Just a Eurostar -ride away in London , old- timers pke Kate Moss spend their nights at the Cuckoo Club .只是欧洲-出走伦敦,旧定时器像凯蒂。莫斯消磨晚上的布谷鸟俱乐部。

2.Once upon a time Hanna had a mother who looked pke Kate Moss and gave her a big book of Grimm's fairy tales.很久以前,有一个母亲汉娜看上去像凯特莫斯谁给了她一个格林童话大书。

3."The bigger part of any picture she's in, " Mr. Yohannan added, "is always Kate Moss. "“在她出镜的所有照片中,”约赫楠先生补充说,“更突出的角色永远都是凯特·摩斯本人。”

4.You wake up looking pke the morning after the night before, but a quick rummage though a make-up bag and suddenly you're Kate Moss.即使你头天喝得烂醉后一夜未睡,只要在出门前打开化妆包,你又会像明星一样容光焕发。

5.There's the usual suspects - Kate Moss and George Clooney - but some suprise packets as well, including Jordan's Queen Rania.凯特·摩斯和乔治·克鲁尼等人的当选在人们意料之中,但是也有一些人的入选是人们意想不到的,其中就包括约旦的拉妮亚王后。

6.There's a Peruvian tribe where the men fancy pear-shaped women, in contrast to the Kate Moss shape that we favor.秘鲁有个部落的男人偏爱梨形身材的女性,而不像我们钟爱的名模凯特·莫斯式身材的女人。

7.Kate Moss has long been a muse of the art world, and now she has turned curator.长久以来,凯特·摩斯一直被视为艺术大师们的灵感缪斯。而如今,她却摇身变为了时尚掌门人。

8.Born in 1974 in London, Kate Moss has experienced several eras of modepng.凯特·莫斯1974年生于伦敦,是跨越了好几个时代的模特。

9.In September, she was signed by IMG, whose other models include stars pke Kate Moss and Lily Cole.九月份的时候,她与IMG公司签约,这家公司还拥有像凯特·摩斯和莉莉周这样的世界一流模特。

10.In Hume's portraits in particular, we see his interests in popular culture by his choice of subjects such as fashion model Kate Moss.休姆拣选时装模特儿凯蒂.莫丝肖像为作品主题,反映了他对流行文化的兴趣。