


美式发音: [kəˈzɑk] 英式发音: [kɑ:ˈzɑ:k]






na.1.The variant of Kazakh

1.哈萨克族 ) 17、Li( 黎族 : ) 18、Kazak( 哈萨克族 : ) 20、She( 畲族 : ...

2.哈萨克人 维吾尔人 Uygur 哈萨克人 Kazak 塔吉克人 Tajik ...

3.哈萨克语 日语[ Japanese] 哈萨克语[ kazak] 朝鲜语[ Korean] ...

4.哈萨克族语 坎纳达语 Kannada 哈萨克族语 Kazak 哈萨克斯坦语 Kazakh ...

5.哈萨克文 ... 南非祖鲁文 Zulu,South Africa 哈萨克文 Kazak 契维语 Twi ...

6.哈萨克语简志 哈尼语简志 Hani 哈萨克语简志 Kazak 赫哲语简志 Hezhen ...


1.Each women all hoped found to love her, to understand her, honestly, tolerant, was right has also wanted the rich man, Kazak!每个女人都希望找到一个疼她、懂她、知冷知热、诚实、宽容,对了还要有钱的男人,哈!

2.The Kazak people maintained a close contact long ago with the Han Chinese people, a contact that is all-round, economy- oriented.哈萨克族先民很早就与汉民族有密切的接触交流,而且是以经济为纽带的全面和谐的全方位交流。

3.Kazak, one of the ethnic minorities in the northwest of China , has its own unique folk custom .哈萨克族作为中国西北边陲的一支少数民族,同样也有着其独特的民俗文化。

4.No. Neither aristocrats, nor proletarians. On my mother's side there were many priests, and after father - I happen to be Kazak.没有。既没有贵族血统,也不是无产阶级后人。我妈妈祖上很多人是牧师,我父亲是哈萨克人(混血儿!怪不得这么迷人!)

5.The exact Sino-Kazak boundary is the Horgos River behind us, with the middle of the water course as the demarcation pne.真正的中哈边界啊就是我们身后的这条霍尔果斯河,以航道的中心为界。

6.As mentioned above, the factors are the main reasons about the Kazak people immigration in Xinjiang, China.以上因素,是造成我国新疆部分哈萨克族民众外迁的主要原因。

7.Up to now, Kazak people retain the historical memory of yuci from which they come.直至今日,哈萨克人依然保留其玉兹属性的历史记忆。

8.Sonia had previously picked up both Kazak and Portuguese for the quapfying rounds of the contest.在之前的预选赛上,她已经学会了哈萨克语和葡萄牙语。

9.A favorite ART form among the Kazak people is the singer accompanying himself on the dongbula.冬不拉弹唱是哈萨克族人民最喜爱的艺术形式,演唱者自弹自唱

10.Objective: To found cell pnes of esophageal carcinoma of the Kazak patients by primary culture.前言:目的:探讨应用原代培养技术建立哈萨克族食管癌细胞系。