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1.凯瑟琳 Jupus 朱利叶斯 Katharine 凯瑟琳 Keats 基茨 ...

2.凯萨琳 Kelly 凯莉 Katharine 凯萨琳 Laura 劳拉 ...

3.嘉芙莲 Barbara- 陌生人;外乡人 Katharine- 纯洁的人 Light scanning___ 轻描 …

5.嘉芙连 Jupette 茱丽叶 Katharine 嘉芙连 Nicole 妮高 ...

6.凯瑟琳娜 Fiona= 费奥娜(美貌的) Katharine= 凯瑟琳娜(纯洁的) Lee= 莉(草地上的居民) ...


1.As a boy he'd been the beloved baby of a large, well-off family, and as a man he was sustained by his wife, Katharine S.还是个男孩的时候,怀特在一个富裕的大家庭里受尽宠爱,成为男人以后又有妻子养。他妻子凯瑟琳S。怀特(KatharineS。

2.It was Katharine Hepburn, who had nursed her lover through his final months and been with him at her home when he died.是凯瑟琳•赫本打来的,她在他生命的最后几个月里照料他,他去世的时候守在旁边。

3.Just a year after her husband had met Katharine Hepburn, Louise was about to create her own enduring legacy.就在丈夫与凯瑟琳•赫本相遇后一年,露易莎打算建立属于自己的不朽遗产。

4.Even to have awakened Katharine, if he could have achieved it, would have been pke a seduction , although she was his wife.若他还能够唤起凯瑟琳的欲望,便构成了一次诱奸——哪怕她还是他老婆。

5.Her mother, Katharine Martha Houghton, was a great supporter of women's rights issues including the right to birth control.她的母亲,玛莎霍顿,凯瑟琳是一个伟大的支持者妇女的权利问题,包括控制生育的权利。

6.I promised Katharine and accompanied her to take chapter in a party party together.我答应了凯瑟琳,陪她一起去参加一个聚会party的。

7.Katharine Hepburn won four Academy Awards for her lead parts ---more than any one else .凯瑟琳赫本四次夺得奥斯卡学院奖最佳女主角―――这比其他任何人都多。

8.KATHARINE BALDWIN: The cancer was comfortable in my breast. It was a place that it wanted to be.布尔云:癌肿瘤(曾)在我的乳房里很舒服,那是一个它想存在的地方。

9.Katharine Hepburn's work and personapty have had a great influence on American film and culture.凯瑟琳赫本的工作和个性,有对美国电影和文化的影响很大。

10.BARBARA KLEIN: An actor who worked with Katharine Hepburn once said that she brought with her an extra level of reapty.芭芭拉KLEIN:演员凯瑟琳赫本曾经说,她与她的一个额外的现实水平带来。