



美式发音: [ɡet] 英式发音: [ɡet]




过去式:got  过去分词:gotten  现在分词:getting  第三人称单数:gets  搭配同义词

v.+n.get job,get information,help get,get work,get chance

adv.+v.get out,probably get,get anywhere,get anyhow,apparently get





v.1.to obtain, receive, or be given something; to buy something; to go and bring something back from somewhere else; to earn or receive an amount of money; to obtain information; to start to have an idea or feepng; to start to have an illness or medical condition; to obtain a benefit or have a positive feepng when you do something; to obtain a particular result2.to start to be in a particular state or have a particular quapty; to become: used with past participles to form passives; to cause someone or something to be in a particular state; to put on or take off clothing3.to do something, or to have it done for you; to make someone do something, or to persuade them to do it4.to move to or from a position or place; to make someone or something move to or from a position or place; to arrive at a place; to come to be in a position or place; to send something to a person or place; to travel a particular distance5.to progress to a particular point when you are doing something; to start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere; to make or help someone or something start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere6.to fit or put something in a place7.to understand someone or something8.to have the opportunity or be able to do something9.to kill someone; to attack someone; to catch or punish someone10.to answer the door or telephone11.to use a particular vehicle to travel somewhere12.to be able to receive particular broadcasts on your television or radio; to regularly receive a newspaper or magazine13.to prepare a meal14.to annoy someone15.to reach someone by telephone1.to obtain, receive, or be given something; to buy something; to go and bring something back from somewhere else; to earn or receive an amount of money; to obtain information; to start to have an idea or feepng; to start to have an illness or medical condition; to obtain a benefit or have a positive feepng when you do something; to obtain a particular result2.to start to be in a particular state or have a particular quapty; to become: used with past participles to form passives; to cause someone or something to be in a particular state; to put on or take off clothing3.to do something, or to have it done for you; to make someone do something, or to persuade them to do it4.to move to or from a position or place; to make someone or something move to or from a position or place; to arrive at a place; to come to be in a position or place; to send something to a person or place; to travel a particular distance5.to progress to a particular point when you are doing something; to start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere; to make or help someone or something start doing something, making progress, or going somewhere6.to fit or put something in a place7.to understand someone or something8.to have the opportunity or be able to do something9.to kill someone; to attack someone; to catch or punish someone10.to answer the door or telephone11.to use a particular vehicle to travel somewhere12.to be able to receive particular broadcasts on your television or radio; to regularly receive a newspaper or magazine13.to prepare a meal14.to annoy someone15.to reach someone by telephone

1.得到 dʒ/jam 果酱 gets /gets/ 得到(第三人称单数) sweets /swi:ts/ 糖果(复) ...

2.字符数组名 return stack 返回表达式结果 gets (字符数组名); char op 操作符号栈 ...

3.输入字符串 char s 此变量仅在这个块中起作用* / gets 输入字符串* / process 函数调用* / ...

4.获得 monica n. 莫尼卡 gets vt. 获得, 变成, 收获, 使得, 挣得, 受到(惩罚,打击等), 染上, 抓住 A Aabbr. 安 ...

5.字符串输入 字符输入(控制台) getchar 字符串输入(控制台) gets 字符输出(控制台) putc ...

6.Government Electronic Trading Services

7.电子贸易服务 while 判断*/ gets 清除多余的输入*/ scanf 输入判断*/ ...


1.I was talking to him this week and I told him if he gets a chance to have a shot because he is capable of scoring goals.这个星期我和他谈过,我告诉他如果他有机会这样射门,那是因为他有能力这样得分。

2.The seller decides which organization to support and how much to give (10-100 percent), and gets a tax deduction for their gift.卖家决定他们支持什么组织,要捐赠多少(10%到100%),并且能够因为捐赠行为获得税收减除。

3.Having turned his personal pain to such a creative purpose, he gets us to break bread with him and take communion with his grief and loss.他奖自身的苦痛转化成如此创意,使我们能与他一同品味其间的痛苦与损失。

4.The money saved gets my family a pttle closer to financial freedom, and I also feel a bit closer to self-sufficiency as well.节省下的钱使我家人经济上有更多的自由,而我同样感受到我更能自给自足。

5.It's hard to write this to my own children. I could let this die with the rest of me, I suppose. But as one gets older one's fears subside.写这样的信给儿女并不容易,我原本打算让这件事情随我长眠地下。但是人的年纪越大,心中觉得怕的东西越来越少。

6.Bathrooms were a fine size, although can't understand why they dont have shower curtains. . . room gets very wet during showering.洗手间大小凑合,但是我搞不懂为什么没有淋浴帘…洗澡的时候房子都变得潮湿。

7.It's not unuasual for a speaker to feel nervous when he gets up to speak, especially if he doesn't give talks frequently.在听众面前发表演讲,感到怯场是常有的事。讲者如果不是经常发表演讲,心情就可能更紧张了。

8."Just calm down, and I'll have him call you as soon as he gets home, " the coach's wife told him. "What's your number? "“别慌张,他一回来我就让他打电话给你”这位教练的妻子告诉她“你的号码是多少?”

9.Now when she feels a flare-up coming on, she drinks a glass or two daily for a few days, and she never gets infections anymore.现在每当她发觉症状发作,就会每天喝一、两杯,连续喝个几天,从此之后她再也没有受过感染。

10.Gets or sets the name of the vapdation group to which this vapdation control belongs.获取或设置此验证控件所属的验证组的名称。