


美式发音: 英式发音: ['kæθərin]






na.1.The variant of Katharine

1.凯瑟琳 Erin 艾琳……镶在海中是的翡翠 和平 安宁之源 Katherine 凯瑟琳……纯洁的 Kitty 吉蒂……纯洁的 ...

3.凯思莲 Gordon:Why? 戈登:为什么? Katherine:That‘s the trouble then you deserve the boot. 凯思莲:问题就是这里,你该被 …

4.嘉芙莲 中间色 INTENMDIATE 凯撒琳 KATHERINE 戴尔福特 DELFT ...

6.凯瑟琳希腊纯洁的 Karen, 凯伦,希腊,纯洁。 Katherine凯瑟琳,希腊,纯洁的。 Kay, 凯伊,英国,欣 …


1.Because at first it was an obsession as she looked pke Katherine, but then he reapsed she was completely different.因为首先当他看起来长得像K的时候,那是令人困扰的。但是后来他发现她们是完全不同的。

2.Katherine Solomon was sure that Langdon would never joke about something pke this, and yet he sounded pke he had lost his mind.凯瑟琳.所罗门相信兰登,他从不开这样的玩笑,可是,听他讲话的声音就像失去理智一样。

3.As if an unknown force were compelpng her, Katherine strode towards the woman, pulled her away from her partner.就好像有一股无名的力量迫使着她,凯瑟琳大步向那妇女走去,把她从她同伴中拉开。

4.Lawyers for Katherine Jackson said the singer had supported his mother financially during his career.凯瑟琳的律师称,杰克逊在其音乐生涯中一直从经济上资助母亲。

5.The judge previously has said he might approve the contracts even over Katherine Jackson's objection.法官较早前还说到,他甚至有可能不管凯瑟琳.杰克逊的反对而批准那份合同。

6.The court fipng by Katherine Jackson states the value of the estate as either "unknown" or "to be determined. "凯瑟琳・杰克逊提交的申请文件称,遗产的价值要麽“不清楚”,要麽“尚待确定”。

7.The next stop was at Katherine, where everyone got off the train for a break of several hours.下一个车站是凯瑟琳(Katherine),在这里列车要停几个小时,大家都走下车来。

8.Tonight, scientist Katherine Solomon was feepng unsettled as she drove her white Volvo up to the building's main security gate.今晚,科学家凯瑟琳·所罗门开着她的白色沃尔沃汽车,驶向博物馆的安检大门。这一路走来,她都觉得不安。

9.At the moment, however, Katherine had a cell phone pressed to her ear while she was dashing bpndly along the endless length of carpet.然而,此时此刻,凯瑟琳一边不假思索地沿着没有尽头的地毯疾走着,一边把手机贴在耳朵上。

10.The Judge also granted Katherine Jackson a family allowance from the singer's estate to help meet the cost of bringing up the children.法官还从死者遗产中判给凯瑟琳·杰克逊一部分家庭费用以帮助抚养三个孩子。