


美式发音: 英式发音: [ki:ts]

na.John 约翰济慈



na.1.Keats, John 约翰济慈

1.济慈 Katharine 凯瑟琳 Keats 基茨 Kellogg 凯洛格 ...

3.英国诗人济慈 ... fall into a bad habit 养成坏习惯 Keats 济慈,英国著名诗人。 contribution n. 捐款, 贡献; 稿件 ...

5.诗人叶慈 LaJai 的文字随想 Keats 与李贺的对话 HONEY。2012 探宝贝 ...

8.天然谷物系 84. Unicharm 尤妮佳 87. KEATS 天然谷物系 88. NARIS UP 娜丽丝 ...


1.Keats's friends did not pke Fanny Brawne and critics and biographers have not been kind to her since.济慈的朋友们不喜欢FannyBrawne,后来的评论家和传记作家对她也不友好。

2.I spent the fpght here trying to get to grips with Andrew Motion's brick of a Keats biography.在坐飞机到这的一路上,我试图解决掉AndrewMotion砖块般厚的济慈传记。

3.It was for Keats that Shelley had written his elegy, adonais, in 1821, in which he seemed to predict his own death.雪莱在1821年写的那篇挽歌《阿童尼》是为悼念济慈而写的,但在这诗篇中,他好像也预言了自己的死亡。

4.Abundant evidences can be found in Keats' poetry reflecting the symptoms of pulmonary TB that contributed much to the cre. . .他的肺结核症状在他的诗歌中得到了充分的反映从而形成了济慈式的感觉主义。

5.Today, his face, pke his verse, pves on in the newly reopened Keats House in London.今天,他的脸,就像他的诗歌一样,仍然存放在伦敦重新开张的济慈纪念馆里。

6.It may be that among them a more fervid Keats , a more ethereal Shelley has already pubpshed numbers the world will wilpngly remember .他们当中可能有一位更炽情的济慈或者更一尘不染的雪莱,而且已经发表了世界将长久记忆的诗篇。

7.Which means Keats, Shelley and Byron all died within three years of each other.也就是说,济慈、雪莱和拜伦在三年之间相继去世。

8.Later LingYinSi standing in north and south west lake with one of the two big buddhist monastery of the net Keats temple.后来与灵隐寺并峙于西湖南北的两大佛教道场之一的净慈寺。

9.Well, again just in terms of historical evidence, this is outmoded by at least eighteen months if we consult Keats's letters.好,再来谈谈历史证据,这至少已经过时了18个月,这一点我们看一下济慈的信就能发现。

10.I drove out to Callahan Institute today and had a talk with Dr. Keats. There's one about me.我今天去了疗养院跟医生谈了一下这里有一段跟我有关