




1.坚持锻炼 7、Keep Healthy Snacks at Work7、 在办公室放一些健康的零食 8、Keep Exercising8、

2.坚持运动 Step 7:Keep exercising坚持运动) Step 1:Choose clothes that fit( 选择合适的尺寸…


1.Both inspire me to keep exercising and help me to be more productive with the rest of my activities.两者都激励我保持锻炼,帮助我在其他活动中更具有活力。

2.Keep exercising regularly, or you'll get out of shape.要定期锻炼,不然身体就会出问题。

3.I asked them if they recognized any warning signs in people who are pkely not to stick to a resolution to keep exercising.我问他们,是不是在那些不易坚持计划的人身上,都发现过某些值得警醒的共性?

4.Keep exercising and you'll become as strong as an athlete.坚持锻炼,你也会变得像运动员一样健壮。

5.In summer keep exercising during the hottest days; In winter do the same thing during the coldest weather.在夏天在热天保持锻炼在最热的日子,在冬天做同样的事情在最冷的天气。

6.It's important to keep exercising.(4)坚持锻炼对我们很重要

7.Now all we need is the motivation to keep exercising pke we know we should.现在我们需要的是动力,我们要继续运用我们应该知道。

8.You need to keep exercising, but how do you do it without getting bored and losing motivation?你需要坚持锻炼,但是如何使锻炼不感到厌烦,不失去动力呢?

9.It's good for you tu keep exercising every day.坚持每天锻炼很好。表示这项运动对你好。