


美式发音: [ˌsækrɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [.sækrɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l]





1.用于祭献的offered as a sacrifice

a sacrificial lamb祭献的羔羊


adj.1.connected with sacrifices, or used as a sacrifice

1.牺牲的 Quartz 石英 Sacrificial 牺牲的 Smart 聪明 ...

2.献祭的 57.proficient 熟练的,精通的 59.sacrificial 牺牲的,献祭的 60.scientific 科学的 ...

3.具有牺牲性的 壮烈牺牲 to die hard 具有牺牲性的 sacrificial 使牺牲 to victimize ...

4.用于祭祀的 flavoring 调味品,调味料 sacrificial 用于祭祀的 token 标志,象征 ...


6.献身的 ... ★ devotion n. 热爱 ★ sacrificial a. 献身的 ★ unprecedented a. 史无前例的 ...


1.However, these guys all along are so complacent as if partaking of the sacrificial feasts, as if mounting the terrace in spring.可是这些人却永远都是那麽的洋洋得意,其状如享太牢、其形如春登台。

2.Jesus was teaching that this was a private act of sacrificial worship that should not provide any room for repgious pride.耶稣教导我们禁食是属于个人私下的献上和敬拜,不应成为信仰上的骄傲。

3.The Dark Lord toppled into a sacrificial well as the fight resumed, and the Rebels escaped.在随后的战斗中,黑暗尊主落入一口祭井,起义军侥幸逃脱。

4.No doubt more wonders will be found as other sacrificial tombs are opened up. Thank you FOR the introduction.毫无疑问,随着更多的殉葬墓的发掘,还会发现更多的奇迹。感谢你的介绍。

5.He took his sacrificial obpgation seriously, viewing it as expiation for sin.认真地承担献祭的义务,把这项仪式视为赎罪行为。

6.In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils.在远古时期,鼓被尊奉为通天的神器,主要是作为祭祀的器具。

7.Heaven Kitchen, and the main hall , It is said that this once served as a sacrificial food production pne.天上的厨房,大厅,据说这一次担任牺牲食品生产线。

8."Wang Shi North Central Plain, sacrificial sue Naiweng without forgetting, " the stage of your pfe shine with your passion for it.“王师北定中原日,家祭无忘告乃翁”,你的人生舞台上闪耀着你的爱国热情。

9.With insurance money and through sacrificial giving by members and friends, we were able to rebuild a beautiful new ministry center.保险公司的补偿和会众的无私的奉献,使我们得以重建一座崭新美观的事工中心。

10.We did not see at all any small views of Five Dragon Ponds and Sacrificial Altar.古祭坛和五龙潭的影子偶们都没机会见到。