


美式发音: 英式发音: ['sɜːkəm]






1.环 (cog 同+ (circum + (astro 天空+ ...

2.周围 [intro- 向内, [circum- 周围,四周, [per- 透过, ...

3.环绕 bytime 余暇,闲暇 circum- 周围,环绕 circumplanetary 环绕行星的 ...

4.环境 (odori 气味+ (circum 环境+ (cinfide 吐露+ ...

5.绕圈 101. -less 表形容词,""无…的,不…的” (circum 绕圈+ (demo 人民+ ...

6.圆 Word List 8 circumference 周长。特指圆周的周长。其他周长用 Circum- 。 Scribe 写,画 ...

7.在……周围 ante = 在……之前 circum = 在……周围 in = 到……里面;到……上面 ...

8.迂回 ... n. 迂回累赘的陈述 circum 迂回 locution 惯用语 ...


1.Objective To evaluate neck muscular strength(NMS) of the air force pilots and its role in the circum-stance of aerial dynamics.目的研究空军飞行员颈部各肌群的强度及其在航空动力环境中的意义。

2.Shakyamuni Buddha said that um everything, all phenomena, is circum circumstantial and the circumstance depends on motivation.释迦牟尼佛说诸法皆是因缘而起,而因缘境况则取决于发心(动机)。

3.Circum-huanghai region has important position in Asian regional economic cooperation for its abundant marine resource and dense ports.环黄海地区海洋资源丰富,港口密集,在亚洲区域经济合作中占有重要地位。

4.Since then, the Continental Crust was accreted by two types of basic models, i. e. the Circum-Pacific type and the Tianshan type.太古代早期,原始陆壳形成后,主要通过环太平洋型与天山型两种基本模式达到陆壳的增生。

5.Currently, our industrial cluster is also mainly located in Yangtze Delta, Zhujiang Delta and Circum-Bohai-Sea Region.而我国的产业集群也主要分布在长江三角洲、珠江三角洲和环渤海湾地区。

6.Circum- Pacific seismic belt, the Mediterranean - Asia earthquake zone is the world's largest two seismic zone.留学解答资讯网:环太平洋地震带、地中海-亚洲地震带是地球上最大了两条地震带。

7.The distant substance advances under the circum stance with resistance and no assistance.远方的物体在又有压力又没援助的环境下前进。

8.Taiwan is located in the Circum-Pacific Seismic Zone.台湾位于环太平洋地震带,地震发生机率频繁。

9.Remarks Circum. Length Axial Length Depth from O. D. Clock Position Indication Ampptude Loss of B. R.周向长度轴向长度距外表的深度时钟位置信号波高底波损失备注

10.The Spatial Distribution of the Foreland Thrust Tectonic Deformation in the Circum-Tibetan Plateau Basin and Range System环青藏高原盆山体系内前陆冲断构造变形的空间变化规律