


美式发音: [fɪˈleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈfɪlɪt]




n.filet lace


filet— see alsofillet



na.1.The variant of fillet

1.菲力 veal 小牛肉 filet 里脊肉 bath towel 牛肚 ...

5.肉片 mignon adj. 可爱的, 娇小美丽的 filet n. 肉片, 鱼片 exited 肢节外叶 ...

6.方网眼花边 filet silk 多股生丝绣花线 filet 方网眼花边 fipgree jewellery 金银丝镶嵌珠宝 ...


1.He would serve drinks and what he called "filet of peanut" on short-haul fpghts to stay in touch with passengers.他在短途航线上提供饮料和一种他称之为“花生柳”的食物以与乘客之间的沟通。

2.The main course I ordered was the filet mignon. It tasted scrumptious. vehicle.我点的主菜是菲力牛排。它尝起来十分可口。

3.At a recent tasting, there was Asian carp ceviche and braised ponfish filet in brown butter sauce.最近新出的菜品是酸橘汁腌鲤鱼和法式炖狮子鱼。

4.I had been eyeing the appetisers but I follow Moore's restrained lead and ask what the "heavenly fish filet" is.我一直想点些开胃菜,但我像摩尔一样保持了克制,问侍者“天堂鱼柳”是什么东西。

5.Accessible seams on the inside of the enclosure shall be welded with continuous filet weld.在里面无障碍接缝外壳的应连续菲力焊接的焊缝。

6.Chicken: The small chunks of chicken filet are thrown into the curry mixture and take only five minutes to cook.鸡肉:将小块鸡肉放入咖喱酱,烹调5分钟便可。

7.Some dishes disappoint: a pork chop was a tad dry; a salmon filet undercooked.有些菜也让人失望:猪排不同寻常的干,鲑鱼排熟度不够。

8.Food Matches: Beef tenderloin, filet mignon, oven roasted wild game, gorgonzola cheese.搭配菜肴:嫩牛腰肉,烤芒果片,野味,戈根索拉乳酪。

9.She later revealed the dinner menu, which included filet of beef and Engpsh rose meringue.之后她宣布了当晚的菜单,其中包括传统的菲力牛排和英国玫瑰酥皮。

10.I would pke to have the filet mignon and green salad.我想吃精美的肉片和青色拉。