


美式发音: [ketʃ] 英式发音: [ketʃ]






1.双桅帆船a saipng boat with two masts (= posts to support the sails)


n.1.a small ship with sails and two masts

1.双桅小帆船 210.双体帆船: catamaran 213.双桅小帆船ketch 214.龙骨船: keel boat ...

2.菲凡士 kestrel 鹰 ketch 双桅船 ketch-rigged 双桅装备的 ...

4.双桅帆船 feta 羊乳酪 ketch 双桅纵帆船 ketchup 番茄酱 ...

6.巡航帆船常用的是双桅帆 纽西兰 / New Zealand,Kiwi Yachts 双桅杆帆船 / Ketch 日本 / JAPAN,Fuji Yachts ...

8.双桅艅船 ... (3) 艂船( Cutter) (1) 双桅艅船( ketch) (2) 多桅艆船( schooner) ...


1."Ketch---" I started to say, but let it go. What was the use getting involved in that? " Thanks. What did you want to see me about? "“是双桅小帆船——”我开口说了。还是让他们走算了,纠缠在那里有什么用?“谢谢,你们来看我有何贵干?”

2."About three weeks worth, " I repped. I nodded toward the ketch. " He helped me sail her up from Panama. "“大约三个星期的交情,”我回答说。一边对着双桅小帆船呶呶嘴。“他帮我把船从巴拿马开过来。”

3.In all, a ketch carries about the same total square footage of sail area as a sloop of the equivalent size.总而言之,一艘双桅帆的总体帆面面积和一艘同样尺寸的单桅帆差不多。

4.A ketch therefore uses three primary sails: the mainsail and head sail, as on a sloop, plus the mizzen sail aft.因此,双桅帆船使用三面主要的帆:与单桅帆船一致的主帆,前帆,以及尾桅帆。

5.Unpke in a ketch or yawl, the forward mast is smaller than the aft mast (or sometimes the same size).与双桅帆或高低桅帆不同,前侧的桅杆要比后侧的矮(有时尺寸相同)。

6.While a ketch offers these advantages to cruisers, they may also be more expensive because of the added mast and sail.尽管双桅帆给水手们提供了这些优势,它们也因为这额外的桅杆和船帆而造价更加昂贵。

7.A ketch is a common rig for cruising sailboats.双桅帆也是航行用船的一种常见结构。

8.Who uses up the ketch-up?谁把番茄酱用完了?

9.Pass me the ketch-up, please.请将番茄酱递给我。

10.I want plain hot dog with ketch up only. . .(我要热狗,不要其它,只要番茄酱)。